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Hmm, I wonder what you'd do...

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Hi, any advice is so greatly appreciated. My boyfriend is a little upset at me and I wonder if I should take it seriously. I went to a friend's party tonight for a little while just to say hello until my boyfriend called me to come over and hang out at his house. When I picked up the phone and told him I was at the party, he sounded a little upset and said "Ok, go on, have fun...by the way I'm going partying with some friends to South Beach" and I told him "but I'm going over to your house in a little while" and he goes "nah, nah...stay over, have fun"

It didn't sound like he was honestly saying to stay and have fun, but he sounded a little jealous that I went somewhere without him. I called his house and his mom told me that yes, he went to south beach with some friends. He usually doesn't go out with friends and neither do I because we spend a lot of time together and do everything together. But since he was taking long to call and didn't answer my call when I was trying to call him at lik 8pm I said "well, let me hang out at my friend's little party until he calls, i guess i'll go without him" and when I told him I was over there I think he got upset and now is giving me the silent treatment. I'm also very upset because I just found out my grandparents got in a car accident, even though they're ok, but i'm still very shaken up. I wish my boyfriend was here to calm me down...that's why I'm here cause i need to vent out.

WE've been together 6 years and I'm patiently waiting for a marriage proposal...we talk about it all the time, but i think he's waiting until he graduates with his master's degree, which will be this december (i just graduated college).

Help...should I be concerned about the way he's acting with me? Or should I shrug it off as unsecure jealousy on his part? By the way, I did come home from the party at like 11pm to try and see him but i was told he really did leave to south beach.

*Sigh* my boyfriend is so wonderful but he can really get my on my nerves sometimes , like now. Any advice? Thanks!

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First off I'll say that I think if you're in a relationship, you shouldn't be going to parties without your bf/gf. I don't mean family related events, but social gatherings with plenty of booze,etc. The reason is all these threads we see about someone going to a party, getting wasted, kissing someone, bla bla bla, would be avoided. I know you didn't do that, but I'm just saying.


Next, you said you and your bf are always together a lot right? Maybe you being at a party alone shook him and upset him cuz you're usually always together? thats the only thing I can think of, maybe he got jealous you were at the party alone, we've all heard the horror stories of people getting wasted at parties their s/o didn't attend who end up cheating.

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