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I met this fantastic guy about 5mths ago after a string of useless relationships and immediately he was besotted with me. Not so much the hearts and flowers guy but generous and loving all the same. Ive met his parents and all his friends, but lately although we love each other it seems to minus fun and laughter. He mentioned to me that we don't laugh anymore and then later on in the conversation mentioned a weekend away with his friends to Amsterdam, just boys. This was bad timing I reacted with a jealous outburst and now all of a sudden feel insecure and even more miserable. Why can't I have confidence in the fact that he loves me and wasnts to be faithfull etc. Im planning a weekend away too but he was cool about it. What does it all mean??? please someone help me Im desparate to sort this out.

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Relationships that start out in a grand fashion often have no way to go but down, at least somewhat. The fact that yours is now devoid of the fun and laughter it once had is a real danger sign.


I wouldn't panic yet. Let him have his space and his weekend away. That will give you an excellent chance to give this whole thing some thought. Is it now just a habit? Are you really enjoying it? Are there ways of putting fun and joy back into your togetherness? Ponder these things while he's gone.


Don't feel some incredible duty to force this thing to happen. Even though this is your first nice encounter after a string of duds, that doesn't necessarily mean this guy is Mr. Right. It could just mean that you are getting much closer now to that point.


Don't force things. If you aren't as happy in this relationship and you can't restore its pleasure, get out of it. And remember, when you start relationships off with a bang from the start, you have to work like hell to keep them at that point...and you usually aren't successful. It's just the nature of human relationships for people to get used to each other and not feel the same identical fireworks after a time.


Don't be afraid to move on just because you've had bad luck in the past. This experience is proof positive that you can find someone who can be good for you.


I know you said you love each other but that can surely die if there's no fun and laughter to help it along. It takes lots more than love to sustain a healthy relationship.

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About six months into my relationship with my current boyfriend, I went away for almost a week. The trip was planned before we even met. Before I left we weren't quite a close as we had been. When I got back, it was so wonderful, because we missed each other and stuff. It made us closer than ever.



I met this fantastic guy about 5mths ago after a string of useless relationships and immediately he was besotted with me. Not so much the hearts and flowers guy but generous and loving all the same. Ive met his parents and all his friends, but lately although we love each other it seems to minus fun and laughter. He mentioned to me that we don't laugh anymore and then later on in the conversation mentioned a weekend away with his friends to Amsterdam, just boys. This was bad timing I reacted with a jealous outburst and now all of a sudden feel insecure and even more miserable. Why can't I have confidence in the fact that he loves me and wasnts to be faithfull etc. Im planning a weekend away too but he was cool about it. What does it all mean??? please someone help me Im desparate to sort this out.
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