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Thanks for all the advice....


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I really wish that there was a simple explaination for the way that I fel and the reason or reasons for what e did to me. I dont understand why I just dont move on. For the whole 8 months that we were not together I kept listening to the song Surviver by Destineys Child over and over and over. I swear, besides that and my friends I dont know what I would have done. That song just made me feel so good. It was perfact timing for that to come out. Anyway, then he unexpectedly called me and told me he was home and my heart dropped and I felt like I was going to puke. Sence I decided to do the mature thing and let him have it and made him cry, then I said I wouldnt mind trying to be friends. Well, I was so nervous to finally see him again after such a long time, but with us its weird. We get along so good and it was just like nothing had ever happened and every thing was the way it should be. I know that I am young but I also know what love is. I may be a little naive, actually a lot, but at least I can admitt that which is more than I could say for a lot of 18 year old females my age who think they know every thing. Well, I know I dont know every thing but I have seen and been through a lot in my 18 years on this damn earth. So damn it I might be making the wrong decision by letting him back in my life again but you have to know him to know how different thing are now. Even his friends think so, and that was a shock concidering how their always talkin that guy ##### about how you cant get whipped.... Well blah, f***in blah........... and thats all i have to say about that.

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