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Talk About Not Getting It....

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Ok, I started a previous thread about women not getting it, and instead of generalizing right now, I will focus this on just the women I know. If anyone else knows women like this, maybe we can rap about it and share experiences.


First off, and maybe it's me, but most of the women I know are disloyal and untrustworthy.


Last year I was in a pretty serious bar fight (not of my making) and as I was leaving a weenie hit me in the back of the head with brass knuckles--as I was leaving--and then stomped on my head, damaging my right eye permanently. This was all caused by another little weenie friend of his.


Well, now a woman who tells me I am her "best friend" (she's not mine) has a matching tattoo with one of the weenies, and has the one who tried to kill me on her MySpace friends list. Her little circle all have him as a "friend" on MySpace. Oh, but when I am around I am so awesome...


So, I stopped hanging out with them, and now I get, "you are so awesome, we miss you, I love you so much, gawd, you are the best" blah blah blah.


How f'd up is that? If some guy friend tried to kill one of my friends I wouldn't necessarily fight him every time I saw him, but I wouldn't pal around with him, or give him any indication that we were cool at all. Ever.


With these women, though, its no big deal.


We had a friend who raped a woman a couple years ago. He raped her on his couch while his wife and kids were asleep upstairs. Now, as you might expect, none of us are friends with him anymore.


All except the most feminist woman I know, who gave me a rash of s__t because I cut him off as a friend. "I thought you's be a little more solid for a bro, but I guess you guys are lame." WTF? Even if he didn't rape the poor girl (he did), he still cheated on his wife on their couch WHILE THEIR KIDS WERE UPSTAIRS. But I am supposed to be solid behind that. Sorry, ain't happening.


So, add loyalty and respect to the things that women just don't get---at least the ones I know.

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Um. It has nothing to do with 'women' and everything to do with the sort of people you hang out with - which sound like a bunch of trailer trash. I have never even SEEN a bar fight much less known a man who'd be in one. If your crowd is the type to own brass knuckles and the like, then you're awful naive if you think you won't suffer trouble from them.

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I agree, I think it has much more to do with the type of crowd you're hanging out with than it does women in general.


I've never heard of such a thing....standing up for a guy who RAPED someone? These people are low lives


You sound like a person who values loyalty and decency. Time to find some friends who share these values. Please don't paint all women with the same brush

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I don't hang out with people who carry brass knuckles, there are little weenies out there who do, and I had a run-in with them. I can't help the kind of people who show up where I hang out and work. I tend bar there one day a week. And it isn't a rough place at all. They are just punker douchebags.


As far as those women go, they happen to be strikingly hot, so there you go. We happen to like the same music, mainly.


The chick who backed the rapist isn't my friend at all. She sucks in lots of ways beyond that, too.


I do know a few really cool chicks, too, I am just venting on second-stringers who are always hanging around.

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