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girl with attidude! should i be nice?


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there's this girl in my college that has a snotty attitude,she's also a controlling girl from what i've seen. I'm not part of her social circle but we are in the same study program. the thing is that she tries hard to talk to my guy and smile but when is just me and her she doesn't says hi or anything. My boyfriend like some other people know about her attitude and they stayed away from her. however,she tries to get his attention even when he ignores her. i never been rude to her but i don't want to be her friend either. my question is:


Should i say hi to her eventhough she seems to have a preference for my boyfriend or should i just keep ignoring her and save my self from an acquantaince with a major attitude?

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You'll do yourself a major favor if you avoid people like this during your lifetime. Don't even say hi to such a scuzz.


However, I would tell her that if she keeps flirting with your boyfriend you will see that the fleas of a thousand camels will infest her armpits. I don't think she would be comfortable with that circumstance.

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I f I were you, I'd wait until she come to my bf, then give her my biggest smile, making sure my teeth are visible (underlying message : this mouth can bite) and say something like "Hello, X, how are you doing?"_make sure to call her by her name so that she feels in the line of fire, it's technique they use in management classes). That will give her a warning ("this guy is mine"). Be totally relaxed whenever she's around, and show her you're not afraid. Make statements in the conversation referring to your relationship (don't be over the top either) and if she's getting a bit too close anyway, take your man away in a relaxed manner. I wouldn't suggest you became friends with her_ that would be inviting the wolf inside the stable. Just show her who's mistress !


Good luck !

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Hmmmmm...interesting situation. Only it sounds more like highschool than college.


I've heard some folks say that it's better to keep your enemies close...but in this case, if she's an opportunist, she may possibly use it as her *way in*. I would not recommend that you go out of your way to befriend this girl, especially since you claim she basically ignores you when its just one-on-one. I'm not suggesting that you be unfriendly, but rather wait until she makes an attempt at first contact. If and when she does...be pleasant, charming and polite...but make it brief and don't invite extended conversation or questions about your relationship.


However, if she approaches while your boyfriend is around...be VERY friendly. Let that gal your boyfriend fell in love with shine through. If you're beautiful AND *nice*...it'll piss her off. If you show yourself to her as being angry, jealous or insecure, it will only sweeten the pot and make your boyfriend seem all the more appealing. If she can view you as the *opponent* she'll subconsciously use it to justify her actions and behavior.


Listen, I know the games some women can play. They are just as competitive among each other as men...only the men take their aggressions to the field while we claw it out among each other right out there in the open! Remember, self-confidence is the key to holding your ground. It's the only thing that will throw her off her game (assuming she's playing one). As long as there are no kinks in your armor, this classmate has nothing on you. If she had, your boyfriend would already be gone...


there's this girl in my college that has a snotty attitude,she's also a controlling girl from what i've seen. I'm not part of her social circle but we are in the same study program. the thing is that she tries hard to talk to my guy and smile but when is just me and her she doesn't says hi or anything. My boyfriend like some other people know about her attitude and they stayed away from her. however,she tries to get his attention even when he ignores her. i never been rude to her but i don't want to be her friend either. my question is: Should i say hi to her eventhough she seems to have a preference for my boyfriend or should i just keep ignoring her and save my self from an acquantaince with a major attitude?
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Self-confidence is the key! Don't let this girl or any other girl intimidate you. Know for yourself that you are worthy of the attention and loyalties of a man. If you have that, no one can take it from you.


You don't have to get into battles over possession of a man. Nobody owns him anyway. He makes his free will choice to be with any lady that is receptive to him. It will be that way for the rest of his and your life. You can play games with men and women over who belongs to who for eternity. Don't you have better things to do with your time and talents?


Flirting with a guy in front of his girlfriend is rude and cheap. If your boyfriend likes rude and cheap, then let her have him!

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