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My Space Driving Me Crazy

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My bf has had a myspace account for about two months now. It has effected our relationship tremendously:mad: I am beginning to hate it. I don't know how to handle the whole situation. He is doing it for his music, but he is also inviting nothing but girls and girls are flirting and he is flirting back. We have been together for four years now in july and I don't know why he is flirting with other women so much. It really hurts me. It all started when he found his ex on there. He didn't flirt with her but sent her comments like happy cinco de mayo and etc. He was talking with a girl that doesn't live to far from us and she became his my space girlfriend. He actually asker her if she would be his my space girlfriend because she found out about me and said she wished she could take my place. He said what take her place awww sweet you like me I like you too will you be my myspace girlfriend? Is this something I should worry about. I also found out that last night that he made a new chick friend and had a chat with her on my space for an hour there wasn't anything said too flirty except for cutie and you look damn good. The girl gave him her yahoo messenger and I think they chatted on yahoo last night. Why is he doing this to me I don't understand. I have talked to him but he doesn't see it from my point of view. I am almost ready to start flirting with people myself but everyone is telling me not to stoop to his level. WHAT SHOULD I DO?????:(

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kitten chick

Yes, you should worry. This is how I found out that my exbf was cheating on me. It seems that you've confronted him about it and he's denied it. If you really trust him then let it go. If you don't then put your foot down.

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He is doing it for his music, but he is also inviting nothing but girls and girls are flirting and he is flirting back why are you suprised? myspace is one huge high-school social site. We have been together for four years now in july and I don't know why he is flirting with other women so much because he can and you're allowing him to. It really hurts me. It all started when he found his ex on there. He didn't flirt with her but sent her comments like happy cinco de mayo and etc. He was talking with a girl that doesn't live to far from us and she became his my space girlfriend your boyfriend sounds like a loser... guess having you isn't enough for him... what a dumbass. He actually asker her if she would be his my space girlfriend oh, how cute! :lmao: because she found out about me and said she wished she could take my place and she probably will but let her... your bf is a loser. He said what take her place awww sweet you like me I like you too will you be my myspace girlfriend? Is this something I should worry about what do you think? :rolleyes: . I also found out that last night that he made a new chick friend and had a chat with her on my space for an hour there wasn't anything said too flirty except for cutie and you look damn good :lmao: ... how the hell old is he? 12?. The girl gave him her yahoo messenger and I think they chatted on yahoo last night. Why is he doing this to me I don't understand because, once again, he's a loser and you're letting him do it to you. I have talked to him but he doesn't see it from my point of view of course not... he's having fun with all his dippy myspace chicks... hahahaha... they're probably all fugly in real life! :lmao: . I am almost ready to start flirting with people myself but everyone is telling me not to stoop to his level. WHAT SHOULD I DO?????:(just leave his ass and find someone who will treat you like a real girlfriend instead of a notch.


Gaaaaa... myspace... doncha just love it? :p

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It seems to me that it's not MySpace driving you crazy but your BF. Also this online situation aside, are you hoping for a future with this man/boy? Have you considered the fact that if he is into music on a professional level you'd have to deal with far more flirting than MS provides for now? And yes, how old are you both if you don't mind my asking...

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It seems to me that it's not MySpace driving you crazy but your BF. Also this online situation aside, are you hoping for a future with this man/boy? Have you considered the fact that if he is into music on a professional level you'd have to deal with far more flirting than MS provides for now? And yes, how old are you both if you don't mind my asking...


Yeah, but the myspace is ENABLING him to drive her insane a bit more quicker. See... if you take away his myspace... the insanity will be more difficult to dole out. :p Of course, he could just be a bona fide a**h*** (and he sho does sound like it) so even without the myspace he could be flirting with girls in the mall or in school (he's probably already doing that anyway).


I don't know how old she is but he sounds about 12... :lmao:


*Can you be my myspace girlfriend?*... god, what a loser! :lmao:

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If you've talked to him very clearly about how you feel about his behaviour on MySpace and you guys haven't reached an understanding about it then he is not respecting your relationship even if he doesn't understand your point of view. Part of being in a relationship is making compromises to make each other happy. You need to tell him exactly how you feel and why and then haggle. Perhaps that he only spends a certain amount of time on there and then hangs out with you.

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You know, my good friend had a l'l tiff with his lady over a myspace account. One he's had for quite a while. Funny thing is, she's not on Myspace. Because he 'friended a bunch of Tilla Tequila wanna-be model chicks from LA, one of his girlfriend's girlfriends called him out to her.


It was ridiculous, really. My advice is for you to get a webdate account, meet a nice guy and dump this myspace misogynist. In that order.


How old are you, if you don't mind my asking?





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How old are you, if you don't mind my asking?


Are you trying to find out if she's in your age group? You wanna be my LS boyfriend? :lmao::p

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Are you trying to find out if she's in your age group? You wanna be my LS boyfriend? :lmao::p


No, I'm pretty sure she's not. Are you e-propositioning me? Yes. But nothing e-exclusive. I have to keep my e-options open.


You know, I was just having a conversation questioning wheter people still ask someone to be their BF or GF...I guess I have an answer for them.:laugh:




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No, I'm pretty sure she's not. Are you e-propositioning me? Yes. But nothing e-exclusive. I have to keep my e-options open.


You know, I was just having a conversation questioning wheter people still ask someone to be their BF or GF...I guess I have an answer for them.:laugh:





So what's the answer?

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Sorry, but I would never do that. It either *just happens* or it doesn't. :)

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gawd. What is the fecking problem with all of these disloyal feck-sticks these days? I would show him your post, and tell him to shove it up his flea ridden ass

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Sorry, but I would never do that. It either *just happens* or it doesn't. :)


Well, it was a joke. I stopped doing it after I grew pubic hair. I said the answer is yes because Barfool asked the question in e-jest.




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gawd. What is the fecking problem with all of these disloyal feck-sticks these days? I would show him your post, and tell him to shove it up his flea ridden ass


To a lot of people there is a distinct difference between loyalty and fidelity. To everyone else, this makes no sense.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I know how you feel with the my space thing. Only for me it's bebo. Little things, like a commenton may leave or subtel refrerences to something from a past relationship in the bio part. It really get to you, and most poeple I mention it to seem to think it's just innocent firendship. Very anoying.. all i can say if tell him how you feel and give him a chance to chnage his ways. If he doens't, do what feel right for you.

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Well at least I know I'm not alone now! My fiance Joined Hi 5 which is the equivalent of Myspace, one of his friends from work thought it would be a good idea to invite him, not!!. He never even so much as glanced at our/my computer before Hi 5 and now he's on it all the time. It bugs the hell out of me, he at this moment in time has over 200 friends 99% of them girls who he doesn't know.

At one point very stupidly I put a keylogger on the computer so I could see what he was saying to these girls and it was things like "your hot" blah blah blah, it really hurt to see that, god I wonder what I see in him sometimes?

One upside is that he now has a few pictures of me on there as his other half

and that has made it somewhat easier but I just don't understand why he feels the need to have all these girls on his friends list or what he gets out of telling these girls that they're hot when he can't even say it to me!

Anyway i'm probably not much help cos all i've done is vent but I guess you either have to live with it or get rid of him because they don't call it "myspace" for nothing. Thats exactly what it is His Space!

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Forever Searching

My ex was in a band and used myspace for that and he had his own personal space and he started acting supsicious with girls and wouldn't you know it about three days after I confronted him about a specific girl he dumped me and now they are together. It makes me wanna spew everytime I think about it but I'm sure the same thing will happen to her, she probably didn't even know about me.

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Gawd, what is it with that? WHy do guys feel the need to message these girsl sayign they're hot. ?? i wish i had an answer. if some guy on here knows, please share!! all his friends tell i'm hot all the time, and then he turns around, telling other girls he doesn' know theyr'e hot?

i have these accounts too, like hi5 and myspace. but, i never ever message guys on that stuff. they message me and i dont' reply.

my bf on he other hand, tells them they'er hot and says sexual things to them. i got his passwords and he doesn't know that but i'm just seeing how far he takes it. and now, at this point, i'm hurt, but i'm so pissed off that i find it kinda amusing how pathetic he is after i'm so good to him and treat him so well. it's like how old are you anyways??? we've been togher for over a year and been through ALOT. and, i'm not breaking up with him just yeettt. but, it will happen very soon. i just want to see how much he can lie to me first. he's done other things and he's really hurt me. but i'm trying to think of what a loser he is to try and help myself get over it. i don't know what to do yet .

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