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Is he interested or not?

Janis A

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I have been dating this guy, whom I adore, for about a month. We always laugh and have a great time, and he seems to enjoy my company. His fiance dumped him four months ago for no reason and he was supposed to have been married in July. He told me this weekend that he really liked me but he wasn't ready for a serious relationship yet. Does this mean he's really trying to get rid of me or is he really just not ready??

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Well, I'd say it is very likely he doesn't want to get back into anything just yet, and that's wise on his part. He's coming out of a significant relationship and he recognizes he needs time to reflect and recollect before building new bridges. I wouldn't push the issue, but also don't let him get away with taking your relationship further physically without adding committment. I'm not suggesting he WILL do that, but some men have been known to operate in that manner.


Either way, he is saying he wants to keep things casual for the time being. You have no choice but to accept that, whatever his motives are. He knows you are interested, and if he reaches a point where he is ready to start something with you, he will come to you. I don't suggest waiting endlessly for him to "ripen" for consumption, but you've done pretty much all you can do. It's his choice now.

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