Poconobob Posted May 22, 2006 Share Posted May 22, 2006 Anyone who knows of me prior to divorce knows my x-wife and I were inseparable until we moved to a remote area of the NE, I was hooked on prescription pain meds, consequently caused a break up, and then I compulsively used illegal drugs to hope to pass away..... wow, that was hard, anyway, I missed her so much post divorce though it was NASTY, and I did stupid things including moving in a chick in my house with the not yet x living in another part of the house and HATING IT... trouble is, I was too fuXked up to realize that trying to make her jealous backfired and instead hurt her beyond comprehension, and no words will turn that around. We were married 19 years, no cheating. no nothing...just one child, and just no happy marriage late in the marriage. She gave me the "im just not happy" ... I adored her, it hurt too bad to put to words here so I won't... Fast Forward 8 months, no using, no smoking cigars, no effexor a mental drug, no xanax, no pain meds, no nothing and working hard, exercising, basically a complete turn around. Soooooooo when I surprised her by bringing our 18 year old to visit, she said I was a VERY nice person for doing this and invited me to stay with her. she was extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemely nice..... went out of her way to be cordial, catered to me, yes catered... but I did reciprocate in the same manner... I have completely changed according to her, I dress extremely well, am surprising ly well mannered, etc... I live in florida, she in ohio... she took us ALL OVER THE PLACE saying MOVE HERE like 100X and she said over and over and over she doesn't date. "I don't need a man"... Soooooo question begs, DO I STAY OR DO I GO... I don't wanna cruise up there and be a door mat... I just don't know what to do. After her contract is up (nurse)... she is moving here to florida IF things are still good. She wants so much to be close to our son, I feeel soooo bad about it all BUT I hate cincinnati, I don't wanna be jealous IF she did date, especially if I'm the door mat... Our son mentioned we should all get a place together... REALITY check here, I know she isn't into that, she said so. However, my vibes are she was extremely comfortable, extremely sweet to me, called me OLE' pet names, and picked at me poking and stuff like she used to do. Humble... bob Link to post Share on other sites
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