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i miss him

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me and my boyfriend have been together for a year and 2 months we're the happiest we've ever been right now in our relationship.... earlier this week we broke up for stupid reasons he says i piss him off i left his house cryin and he was so pissed.... i luv him so much and i know he loves' me for sure so for you guys out there who are reading this he broke up wiht me so if he hasn't called in a month should i call him or should i never call him and let him call me... i'm not gonna call in a month but if he hasn't in a month should i call him i'm totally for sure he loves me and i am not in denial a/b that.. so what 's yalls input on us calling or please give me some advice on what to do cause we've broke up a/b 4 of 5 months ago and then got back together so it's drivng me crazy not seeing him or hearing his voice so if u still love a girl and she loves you but the guy has to much pride should i call him???

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Whether you break up for very valid reasons or for stupid reasons, a break up is a break up. Don't call him. There is simply no point to it.


It takes a lot more than love to keep a relationship going. If you have these little spats and break up rather than trying to work things out, your relationship lacks the maturity and committment level necessary to sustain it.


Take this time to work on yourself, make yourself a better person. The best time to grow as a human being is when you're alone. If you get back together soon, both of you will be identically the same as before and another break up will be soon down the road and you don't need that.


It really sounds like you need some time to gather your thoughts and see if this is really what you want. You also need to learn a lot about relationships and the communication they require. Do the two of you have shared goals, shared views about life, children, sex, the handling of finances, spirituality, etc.? Are both of you forgiving, open minded, considerate, generous, etc.?


If you're having these crazy arguments and busting up so quickly, there are some required ingredients missing. Find out what those are. Work on acquiring them. The danger is that if you grow as a person and he doesn't, you will be the only one of you who has gained and you will be forced to move on to find someone who's a bit more evolved in maturity.


Breaking up over stupid things is not the sign of a relationship made in heaven.


Don't call him.

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