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What are the signs that indicate


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If you sense an abrupt departure from her normal behavior, if she's a bit cold and removed, it's your absolute duty to ask her if there's a problem. If she says there is no problem, point out the change in her behavior. If she still denies anything is wrong, then let her know this is not the way you are used to her behaving...it's not what you fell in love with...and it's got to change.


That should flush it out. But don't let things go on for long. Get some answers for yourself. Could be that time of month, could be some other problem, or it could me another person. Find out.


Most women are capable of flipping their love switch off overnight. If you feel that's what she has done and she doesn't switch it back on real quick, you better start planning for a break up if you can't put things back on track. Once they get to that point, it's pretty much over though.

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