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Real Love? How soon?

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I have been dating this really nice guy for 2 months, and I am not doing anything stupid like jumping into anything too quickly, or becoming infatuated, or obsessing over the relationship. We are both taking it slow as not to mess it up, and we've both talked about this.


This is a strange/ different/ cool feeling. I'm really comfortable, I'm not stressed out, I really like him for who he is, I enjoy his company, etc. This is great.


I find myself telling myself that I am falling in love with him. But I will not say it until I'm absolutely sure, and even then I'd be too scared to say it.


Part of me is REALLY scared because I have had extremely bad luck in relationships (I'm 30 yo), due to poor choices, and bad examples (parents), but I've tried hard to grow personally, learn from my mistakes and to watch the warning signs of a dysfunctional relationship.


What's an appropriate time to even consider that you love someone? Love takes time...3 months? 6 months? A year? And would you wait for the other person to say it first?


I'm just curious. Thanks.

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It's always a good idea to set a moderate pace in a relationship, because it gives your relationship time to breathe!


This may sound trite, but believe me, you'll •know• if this is right for you. There's no second guessing, you pretty much just know ... and that, in turn, pretty much sets the stage for letting him know how much you care for him. If you feel uneasy about saying "love" before its time, don't fret over it. He'll know by the way you are with him, how you respond to him or treat him. Once you two get comfortable with that, telling each other how much you care will come naturally.


I think back on my relationship with my husband -- despite him being badly scarred by two broken marriages, he was the first to bring up the subject of love, I guess because he felt secure enough about us to tell me. So, don't hesitate showing your guy that you care, the rest will fall into place.


As far as the time thing? LOL, I think when you get into a relationship, everything goes into a time-warp! Trust me, you'll know when to tell him how you feel.


good luck!


jo anne

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