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I need some !! ...

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I need some advice please.. Here it goes.. Me and my boyfriend have been together for a year and a half and things are going pretty well. So I thought.. Until yesturday when I was looking for something in our guest bedroom closet and I came across three pornos that were hidden in a suit-case. It really hurt me because I've been more then willing to try new things. We just recently decided to start introducing porno into are sex life.. We never bought them before just rented them a couple of times and it was something that we would do TOGETHER.. I confronted him about the hidden porn and he said that he brought them down from MI..Which I knew was a lie I would have noticed them before.. after minutes of arguing he finally fessed up and said he went to a sex shop in FL a month and half ago after work one night and bought them.. He said they were for "us" but he never brought it up that he had bought some for us to watch... only until I found them. ..And the worset part of it all is one of them was a inter-racial porno (white man, black girl). Whats up with that.. I'm not black nor is he.. So why would I have been turned on by a inter-racial couple..? He said he rabbed the wrong one. but I just don't belive believe that.. It really hurts me emotional to have some1 that I care about lie about somthing like that, and I have this feeling of disgust in the pit of my stomach. He say's there for us but I think they were for his personal pleasure. I just don't know what to do? Do I end things or do I just get over something like that? Your Advice would be greatly Apperciated!!

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