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Should I be concerned?

Wes Bennett

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I've been together with my girlfriend for about 8 months. About a year ago, she was with another guy for about 2 months. Recently (for about 1 1/2 months) they have been getting closer. Now they talk everyday on the phone, sometimes instead of talking to me, they go out sometimes, and now he has a new car, and he has been driving her to school, and other places. And she can't understand why I'm concerned. What should I do? My only solution to this problem is to back off, and give each other some time, and see where this goes. I don't know what to do. But I feel if I let this go, she might reconsider, and break up with me.

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I vote for the give her some time and space option. It sounds like she's interested in this guy and if you come on too strong and confront her about her possible feelings for this guy you may just push her further away. Easier said than done, I know, but it's the high road instead of the low road we all take at one time or another...

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My advice to you is to tell her how you feel. Talk to her and discuss yours and her feelings about the situation. Ask her if they are just mutual friends or if she has feelings for him. Keep in mind that honesty is always best so be upfront about how you feel but remember to keep your cool and not get mad and blow up because argueing will get you no where. See if you can come to an understanding and find a solution.



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