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What is he thinking!?

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I've been married for nearly 4 yrs, and with my husband for a total of 9yrs. We've been physically separated for nearly two months. The past 2 months I barely have seen him (he partly moved in with his friend). The reason for the seperation as he states it is because he is unhappy with our living situation (we live with my parents, which still is a long story -partly his fault), and he's unhappy, yada yada yada. I finally got to sit down with him to talk last night. Now I am very confused. He says he loves me and always will, that I'm his best friend and he'll always be there for me, AND he wants me to be happy (which I took as move on with your life). He said he still wants to be friends (which I just can't do) and he wants me in his life (apparently just not as his wife). Of course being very irritated I mentioned that if he didn't want me then I knew of someone that would, and since I've gotten text messages saying "hope he loves you", and "if you know someone who wants you then you obviously have looked for him, congrats!" Obviously I take this as some form of jealousy, but why should he care?? He's the one that wants all of this, he hasn't made any attempts to talk or try to work on things. He's not the one who sleeps in our bed alone everynight, and is still surrounded by all of his stuff! (I'm bitter, can you tell) Obviously I dont want a divorce but I also don't want to be alone. I love him with all my heart, but I just don't know what he's thinking. Any advice would help - thank you.

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