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Would you call me a liar in this scenario?

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I want to see what your reaction to this is, what it means, ect.


I was all set to go and visit my older boyfriend for a couple of days across the country. Everything was fine, I'd reserved an airline ticket and everything, but when I called last Saturday to confirm the ticket, the travel agency said the seats were all sold out and because of their mistake I lost a $400 charter ticket..I had to look for another one with different agencies, and I finally found a more expensive one which was $515 return including tax. Before getting that ticket I called my boyfriend and told him what had happened and essentially I wanted him to pay the difference with the more expensive ticket, but instead of saying it to him like that I just asked if he could pay the tax, and he agreed.


He asked how much the tax was and I told him $100 (I really meant the difference, but it just came out better saying tax) He said "sure" so that was settled.


THen he called me back three hours later and asked me if the tax was really $100 and I told him I wasn't sure, but that I had really meant for him to pay the difference between the two tickets. He then accused me of being a liar and trying to take advantage of that fact that he had agreed to pay the tax without me telling the truth. I told him I had been scared to ask him for just a hundred dollars for fear he would say no. He then told me he couldn't trust me and was less enthusiastic about me coming. I apologized and said that this wasn't such a big deal and that I didn't understand why he was going on about it because it was just a "white lie" nothing to loose trust over, but he stubbornly stood to his conviction that I was not worthy of trust. THis really hurt me.


Tell me, do you agree with him?

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I'm with you on this one. This is about the pettiest thing I've ever heard. Obviously, he is extremely immature and not at all understanding.


Is this really a guy you want to go visit? I promise you if this was his response, he is not good marriage material for you. If you are afraid to come out and tell him the truth for fear he will say "no," that's another danger sign.


Go find a guy who won't be so petty about things. Life is way too short to have somebody like that living next door...much less having a scumbag boyfriend you have to pay big bucks to go visit a distance away.


Make him history.

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Well, you did lie, but I think your boyfriend is being a bit overdramatic. Your explanation of why you lied seems understandable, and certainly doesn't warrant his anger or lack of trust in you. It's not like you killed his puppy or cheated on him or something. I personally don't think that your lie is anything worth getting so angry over. Have you and your boyfriend been doing really well up until now? It seems like it's got to be because of something else. This sounds like he's looking for a reason to be angry with you. If he really loves you, he's not going to let a little thing like this ruin your relationship. If he does, it sounds to me like he might have been looking for a way out of the relationship and this was a perfect opportunity. Long distance relationships are hard. Keep your eyes open and make sure that there's not another woman that he's met and he's looking for a way of preventing you from visiting, cause he doesn't want to upset the new girl.

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You did lie to your boyfriend. I agree that it is not something to freak out about. I don't necessarily think that he may be cheating or is unhappy. He could have had a horrible day and over reacted to something small. Is he broke? Maybe he doesn't have the money right now. Maybe he's been saving to do something special for you and now he has $100 less. I don't know...just a different point of view.


Good luck June

I want to see what your reaction to this is, what it means, ect. I was all set to go and visit my older boyfriend for a couple of days across the country. Everything was fine, I'd reserved an airline ticket and everything, but when I called last Saturday to confirm the ticket, the travel agency said the seats were all sold out and because of their mistake I lost a $400 charter ticket..I had to look for another one with different agencies, and I finally found a more expensive one which was $515 return including tax. Before getting that ticket I called my boyfriend and told him what had happened and essentially I wanted him to pay the difference with the more expensive ticket, but instead of saying it to him like that I just asked if he could pay the tax, and he agreed. He asked how much the tax was and I told him $100 (I really meant the difference, but it just came out better saying tax) He said "sure" so that was settled. THen he called me back three hours later and asked me if the tax was really $100 and I told him I wasn't sure, but that I had really meant for him to pay the difference between the two tickets. He then accused me of being a liar and trying to take advantage of that fact that he had agreed to pay the tax without me telling the truth. I told him I had been scared to ask him for just a hundred dollars for fear he would say no. He then told me he couldn't trust me and was less enthusiastic about me coming. I apologized and said that this wasn't such a big deal and that I didn't understand why he was going on about it because it was just a "white lie" nothing to loose trust over, but he stubbornly stood to his conviction that I was not worthy of trust. THis really hurt me. Tell me, do you agree with him?
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