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What to Believe?(HeartWrenched III)


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Regarding the posting for HeartWrenched, here is the sequel.


My ex and I were going to hang out and see a movie, then I would prove to him I can stop all serious conversations for once when we hang out and have fun. I caught him in a lie and I know while we were together he never did but, I knew the signs and his actions. He wanted me to let the machine pick up when the phone rang, was vague about what friends he went out with the night before, and is never home. I gave him the benefit that he was at the gym or with friends. He put a turtle neck on (we had agreement to only date-be involved in any way with each other)because he was hiding a hickey. At first he said he and his roomate were wrestling but I told him I wasn't stupid. He got quiet and concerned because I didn't say anything and then told me he went out with a friend-not on a date-but got drunk and they kissed but they didn't go any further. To this day he swears he isn't sleeping with anyone. Yet, after the fight and me leaving all upset and telling him I can't involve my self with him more than friends because he lied, he said he wasn


't sure what degree he loved me anymore(together for 1.5 yrs.broken up for 4 mos.) he does though. He is enjoying single life and didn't want to hurt me and tell me he was seeing anyone else -I pressure him. NOt true-I gave him the option and said I would leave him alone. He said he didn't want to lose me but he can't give me his heart right now.


He has no right-I never hurt him! He said maybe one day we still will get married though. What!? WHy did he say that-he doesnt' take that light.


Anyway, I believed him about not sleeping around but, then,


his sisterinlaw, who I had confided in, told me she eavesdropped on the conversation that her fiance had with him. (they haven't spoken in a while but he was worried and wanted to find out what was going on. She was sworn to secrecy but said she had to let me know. Among alot of other things that I already told her and knew-(maybe that is how she knew the facts-except she told me one thing he said that I didn't tell her)she said he has been sleeping with a different girl every night and when I call, he said it was kind of funny that someone was laying in bed with him! He


is enjoying wild people and a wild life now. After all I've done for him, he said that I am not tough enough I am too nice. He likes bitches and girls who are freaks. THis is a side that I never saw.


Bottom line-do I believe her or him? How did I not know about him lying to my face about sleeping around if it is true? What are the signs? I had a feeling he was dating but not more. How could someone who was so settled and heartbroken over me, not care. I did so many sentimental things for him and was tight with his son and drove him an hour and 1/2 to see him-he hasn't seen him unless I took him. Am I totally replaceable and he will never regret or appreciate all I've done and someone else will do all that I have(drive an hour to see him all the time, support him when not having a job). Now that he is working out-he is totally back into clubs and the ego is high. Will he ever get tired of this lifestyle and miss the settled life? PLeeeeease help me.

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