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Marriage Counseling - does it work?

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Hi there


My husband has given me our seperation agreement, but my lawyer told me no, and to make him do counseling

My husband - who I thought would freak out - said he would do the marriage counseling.

Does marriage counseling work?

What do people think of it overall?



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Hey there,

My wife and I have been seperated, living in seperate apartments, and have been going to counseling for the past two months. Yes, it works but you and your husband must be patient. I would suggest also that you two go to individual counseling as well. We have found out that we both brought a lot of old baggage into our marriage and with individual counseling we are working on improving ourselves as well.

Do you go to church? If so, then I would suggest you pray. I do, every night! Seek guidence from your preacher and live the roll God intended you to live.

With love, true commitment, and patience you and your partner will make it! Good luck!

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