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to young alcoholic

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I just wanted to write a message to let you know that I know where you are coming from. The sooner you stop drinking the better. If you continue, it is only a downward spiral. You must quit now if you know that you will never be among the social drinkers. Some people just are not.


I have met people who have lost everything because of drinking and it isn't a pretty picture. Some of these people did not realize it until they were older. The older you get, the harder it is to put your life back together. I have met people who have been in jail, been homeless and almost died because of drinking.


I have lost things because of drinking though they were not quite to that extreme. Don't jeopardize a bright future to drink because it isn't worth it. Get some help now. You have made the first step in admitting that you have a problem. Getting help is the second step. That can be hard.


Either get counseling or go to Alcoholics Anonymous. You have too much to lose. That is what drinking all of the time will make you do-lose. It may seem humiliting in the beginning but being a drunk is even more humiliating.

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