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Chlorine allergy + homeopathy?

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Recently took up swimming for exercise and really enjoyed it. :) Then started getting sick. Boo. :( At first I thought it was because I'd get water in my ears and they'd get infected. But every time I'd get in the pool I'd be sneezing and my throat and chest would tighten even if my ears were clear. Would have to deal with terrible congestion for days on end and felt like I had the flu.


Once I got sick enough that I had to quit swimming for 2-3 weeks. 'Til now I thought my body just being retarded. Then my bf mentioned it to his friend. Said friend is allergic to chlorine and he thinks I might be the same. Never had this issue before and grew up playing in pools. Did a search and apparently, it's a real allergy, but not very common. Made an appointment with an allergist next week to find out for sure.


Was hoping to spend at least 4 days a week in the water. But this possible allergy's really holding me up. There're shots to get rid of animal/food/plant allergies. But I haven't heard of a cure for chlorine allergy. I'd hate to give up swimming. :( I live in the city and only have access to the gym pool or public pools/spas. Does anyone else here have this? What're you doing to counteract it? Has anyone tried homeopathic allergy cures vs. pills? What works?

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There are a lot of other chemicals used in pool maintenance and if you are swimming in a public pool, they probably use more chemicals than someone uses in a backyard pool. Do any of your friends have pools you could swim in? Or any lakes, ponds, oceans nearby? Might be an alternative.


You probably aren't going to know until you talk to the allergist what is bothering you or whether there are preventive or palliative measures you can take.


Are you paying to swim at the public pool? If so, you could complain, they might lighten up on the chlorine or other chemicals. Or you can at least ask for a refund.


Bummer :(

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Most people drink chlorinated water straight out of their taps. I'll bet that it's one of the other chemicals or else some of the goop from other swimmers that's bothering you. Check around - sometimes there are salt-water pools to be found. My city has two.

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Hi Brashgal,


I live in the city, as do my friends, and the local river water isn't very clean, so other than the gym or pools I'm kind of stuck. My bf does live near a lake, but he's 1.5-2 hours away. I'll probably have to try find a different pool.

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Hi Outcast,


Yeah, it's weird, I even get allergy symptoms in the shower. Since I put in a filter it's been a little better. I don't even want to know what goop from the other swimmers you mean. Gross! :D


Lucky you on the salt water pools. I checked around but haven't found any in my area. Go figure; my city hasn't joined the 21st century yet. :o Tap water might have a lower percentage of chlorine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have recently figured out that after I go swimming in my own pool, that evening, my lips will swell up and sort of blister. It then will take a good week of being very dry and peeling before they are back to normal.

I have been putting on cap stick or lip balm on before I go in the pool, but that isn't helping.

Has anyone else had this happen to them?

I wonder if this can be corrected.



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I'm not a doctor, don't play one on TV and didn't stay at a ____ ___ last night BUT you might try the following.


Pickup some non-drowsy antihistamines (OTC allergy pills) at your local pharmacy and some non-medicated saline nasal spray--the fewer additives the better.


Go swimming as usual and then afterwards (in the changing room) use the saline nasal spray as directed on the package and see if your symptoms are decreased. If you're happy with the results you have a solution, if you don't get the results you want then;


Take an antihistamine (allergy pill) and that will likely relieve your symptoms like magic.

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Thanks for the suggestions! I went in to see my allergist and according to him, chlorine isn't allergenic but it is very irritating. So he suggested I use these non-steroid nasal drops before swimming. I forget the name, and I already dropped off the script at the pharmacy. He also put me back on Clarinex --- he didn't seem to have more "natural" alternatives, it seems. On a side note, I started my cat and grass allergy shots today. It's weekly for about a year then bi-weekly after that. I'd done this when I was really little for other allergies and they did work. You just have to be dilligent about not missing shots.



Not sure, but based on what I've read (I'm not a doctor either), if your lips are swelling and blistering, you might want to ask your doctor about herpes simplex type 1. Chapstick won't cure it. Triggers can be stress, heat, windburn, certain foods, etc. It's not necessarily spread via sexual contact, but it IS contagious and permanent. And it can spread to your genitalia if you aren't careful. The sooner you get it checked out, the better.

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the suggestions! I went in to see my allergist and according to him, chlorine isn't allergenic but it is very irritating. So he suggested I use these non-steroid nasal drops before swimming. I forget the name, and I already dropped off the script at the pharmacy. He also put me back on Clarinex --- he didn't seem to have more "natural" alternatives, it seems. On a side note, I started my cat and grass allergy shots today. It's weekly for about a year then bi-weekly after that. I'd done this when I was really little for other allergies and they did work. You just have to be dilligent about not missing shots.


Thanks brightskies for posting your diagnosis info .. as I seem to be having a similar problem and for me I have just started to learn to swim .. so I have no plans to give up until I know enuff swimming to be effective as a survival skill.

Can you recall what kind of nasal spray, the doctor had prescribed ? Is it the same as 'saline nasal spray' that somebody mentioned earlier ?

Did you go undergo chlorine allergy test or your doctor simply presumed that chlorine is unlikely to cause allergy and it is rather due to irritation caused by chlorine.

For me I not only have irritable eyes, sneezing and congestion but also something on top of the roof of my mouth (I don't know what particular organ is it) seems to become irritated and swollen giving me the same feeling as I get when I am about to catch a flu / cold. Last time this irriration was followed by severe flu which rendered me handicapped for at least one week. I hope this time it doesn't repeat after my 2nd session in the pool today !

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You really need to see a physician. Everybody's case is different and what works for one person may not only not work for another but may harm another. Let your doctor do his/her own diagnosing and prescribing.

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I'm not a doctor. However, I brought my daughter to the pediatrician Wednesday for swimmer's ear.


He is affiliated with Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.


He said that because ears are dark and warm, they are breeding grounds for bacteria. He recommended mixing 1 part white vinegar and 1 part rubbing alcohol and putting it into a dropper.


He said to use this EVERY time after swimming (1 or 2 drops) in each ear to prevent swimmer's ear.


BUT, don't put this into your ear if you have active swimmer's ear because it will burn. You need to first clear it up with prescription eardrops, so I recommend you see a doctor.

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There are different chlorines. I have to use a special 'chlorine substitute' in my own pool because I have the same problem. I'm slightly sensitive to most chlorines, but in swimming pools with all the other chemicals mixed in I have problems. It's the Muriatic Acid that I have the most problem with in the pool. I didn't go to an allergist, just my regular doctor who told me to change the chemicals in the pool and see if that helps. Let us know what your allergist says.


I never used to be allergic, but as I get older I'm finding that I have more allergies than I used to have. Just because you weren't allergic as a child doesn't mean you can't develop an allergy.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi brightskies - I use noseclips, if I don't I get really bad sneezing and runny nose. They take a little getting used to but the good thing is no allergy!! it really works. There are different styles so best to get a few different ones and see which you feel most comfortable with. Learn to breath all the air out through your mouth.

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