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Why my GF's X that Burned her Badly

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Okay folks..No sugar coating on this one..I'm an honest guy, I would never lie to my GF or cheat on her. She's got this thing with an old XBF that a few years back Slept with her and then never called her. She showed her dislike towards him for the first couple years we were together...Now somehow she has contact with him and says' he's appologized now she wants to be friends with him. I know she'd never cheat but a while back I asked why do you want to be friends with him and one comment I got was,"because he compliments me"..I said. so do i...She told me that it's different. needless to say..I got upset. Now after almost 4 years we talk about marriage, I searched deep inside of my heart and I cannot find any motive with my feelings to be able to accept that fact that she would want to be friends with someone who burned her like that. I don't know him or his motives, so i can't judge him. But seriously ...I believe she just needs closure then I think the bond should be cut. Millions of other guys in the world to befriend rather than one that did her bad and took off. Right? I guess I may be insecure, or jelous, but i'm not sure if i just maybe realisitc about this whole thing. I work two jobs, and we only see each other on the weekends for two days..Now if she's chit chattin it up with this guy all week long...Doesn't that put me behind in the quality time factor. Oh by the way..we're not being sexual. I'm waiting till we're married..she doesn't liek it, but she' handles it. I'm more concerned with the fact that she may be getting emotionally involved with this guy and he may take it to the next level. Please gimme your input and be honest with how You'd feel with these shoes on. Thank you

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They're probably just friends. Honestly, once you get over the hurt of everything, usually your exes make good friends. At least in my experience that's been the case. There's a reason why you dated them and even if you know (from experience) that nothing could ever work out romantically, usually there are other things, like similar sense of humor and similar interests, that make you want to keep being friends with them.




And it's sad to lose someone who obviously was at some point in your life very important to you.


I wouldn't worry about it. If you've been together four years, I think you're probably safe. Unless you have other reasons not to trust her, other than just that she's friends w/ her ex.

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From reading this, I guessing that you're a nice guy and you won't believe me or listen to me, but I'm going to say it anyway. Why does she want to be freinds with this guy? Because he's nice? Doesn't sound like he is. There are two types of guys, nice guys and guys women want to have sex with. Or put another way, lovers and providers. If you're a nice guy, a woman will make you be her provider. You can pay for her stuff and do her stuff for her. If you're not a doormat, she will consider you as a lover. Lovers don't make good providers and providers don't make good lovers. You are headed for some big time heart break. Why are you working two jobs, anyway?


Women will all say this isn't true, but they know it is. They don't want all the nice guys to know this because they like having a chump pay for everything and do all their heavy lifting. Lovers know this.

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Red Flag !


This does not look good.


You will lose on their insistance on remaining close . Why ? Because they still have feelings for eachother.


Move on and let them have at it....

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