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you hear this alot i have fallen for my best friend!!

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Ok long story short, I have been best friends with this guy for 2 years now, we have known each other for 15 years now. Anyway I realized at the end of last year I was having feelings for him, and he was leaving in februaury for the militatry so I distanced myself from him, well I tried to it didnt work, we couldnt go a day without talking. Anyway I decided to keep this info to myself since he was leaving in a few months. Well we went out the weekend that he was leaving had a great time as usual. Came back to my house (which is no biggie we do it all the time) anyway we were watching a movie and talking about him leaving and how things would suck once he left, the next thing I remember is him saying I dont give a s*** anymore about anyone thinks and kisses me. (we are 8 years apart both in our 20s) we stopped and laughed for a minute cause we had just finished talking about how his mom always said he had a crush on me, and some friends of ours would say the same thing about both of us. Laughing he said I dont have a crush on you and kissed me again. In between the kisses we started telling each other how we had felt. He said he had wanted to do it a long time ago, and I told him how I tried to distance myself from him cause I knew my feelings were real, and how I purposely didnt go on a ski trip for fear I would get drunk and tell him. Anyway we did a lot more talking and kissing and so on, of course one thing ended up to another and ended up doing it all. He came and saw me just for the few free minutes he had the next day and then left the following morning. Told me he would see me after boot camp and would write when he could. (mind you the following day we didnt talk at all about what happened the night before) He wrote every week while in boot camp and I looked forward to thursdays cause I knew there would be a letter. He never said anything in the letters about what went on with us before he left and neither did I. Once he graduated from boot camp he was able to get his phone back and he calls everyday, sometimes twice sometimes 10times. He asked me to go visit him which I had planned but he is able to come home this weekend instead and ill go out there in june sometime. But its weird neither of us ever says anything, and he talks about girls just like he did before that night, and tells me about his fun times at the bar. I do my best not to get jealous (but it honestly bugs me a bit) so of course me being the stupid girl I am made a comment that I was going out with a guy last week for the third time and that I would talk to him the following night. That was last wed, (i dont call him since I never know when he isnt busy) I called and left a message sat, no return call, I sent an email sunday just saying hey and to call or email me, he read it but no response. I left a message on monday nothing, finally i texted him one last time tues and said either i really pissed you off or you are busy, he ended up calling tues acting like nothing was wrong talked for like 15 min pretty much about nothing and then let me go. He called again wed to bitch about his roommate which was fine and he was actually back to normal with me again. So he comes home tomorrow and is here through monday. So here are my questions, one did I piss him off about saying I was going out with a guy last week(which i think i did) two do I say anything to him about what happened with us before he left or just leave it and see what happens when he comes home? He is 800 miles away from me now so I know not to expect some kind of LDR but I let these feelings out of the bag and its not like they are gonna just go away. any comments or answers would be greatly appreciated!

I thank you for your time in reading my long winded out self.

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There's bound to be confusion in circumstances like yours, so don't stress out too much about anything that's been going on. You expressed some feelings for each other before he left, but left everything else undefined. How could either of you possibly know what's what?


This visit will be a great opportunity to reconnect. He's your best friend, so talk with him about this as you would anything else.

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So heres an update he came home last night, a bunch of us surprised him at the airport with signs and stuff with his family. we all went out to eat, i think i was maybe able to say 3 words to him. His parents were really busy talking to him, since they are his parents and all. Havent heard a word from him today, we are supposed to hang out sometime tonight when he was done with family stuff. So far things arent going the way I thought they would but I guess Ill know more after tonight

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So heres an update he came home last night, a bunch of us surprised him at the airport with signs and stuff with his family. we all went out to eat, i think i was maybe able to say 3 words to him. His parents were really busy talking to him, since they are his parents and all. Havent heard a word from him today, we are supposed to hang out sometime tonight when he was done with family stuff. So far things arent going the way I thought they would but I guess Ill know more after tonight


I think the fact that you talked about other guys and did not discuss what you both shared that one time may have lead him to believe the sex was no big deal and you are doing your own thing ?

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