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To Tony


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I got this information is from my friend who works in China governement since I have my own business in there.


I need your insight something about China, please!!!


As we know that Pick up any business newspapers in the world there are news on China everyday. China has aggressively sought to build up her own market and to boost her international image. However, markets in China is still small compare with many of its our counterparts. She also lacks the rule of law most trading nation enjoy. Besides, china is rule by one party only and it is the party that massacre her people not long ago. Yes, the economic growth in China are rapid but without changes in her political system China could be socially unstable-aging population, corruptions, illiterate peasants..etc. With separationists in Taiwan, Xinijiang and Tibet working against China, China is very unstable.


Is it really work it to work in china??

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China is an extremely important trading partner. Bottom line: If other nations don't help shore up it's economic status worldwide and boost it's exports, it has enough nuclear power and delivery systems to destroy a lot of territory worldwide and with a very weak economy could give an irrational leadership the motivation to use it.

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