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Want to share some learnings

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I just want to share this.

With all this new technology, communicating has become easier.

But its damaging. Humans werent supposed to courtship in this way.


From experience i want to share the following;



Go on a cheap deal, or card of some sort. Ring them. Talk to them. Don't rely on text messages.

Text messages can ruin things.

A dissagreement that can be solved in 30 seconds face to face or over the phone, may go on for days if done by text.

There is no tone, and what you say is in writing for them to dwell over or take the wrong way. Speak with the person. Not just with dissagreements but with everything.

Trust me.

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I agree with what you're saying.


I will add too - Teens are missing out on alot of intimacy by using text and instant messages. Being on the phone, talking to your boyfriend/girlfriend till 3am, being yelled at by your folks to GET OFF THE PHONE...Sneaking back on, doing phone sex late at night...That is what growing up and having fun is about...Not being plugged in and having intimate conversations ONLINE.

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Well for the most part I agree and phone does add a new dimension but at the same time there are ways to be expressive and fully articulate in writing too. For some people. And new ways emerge every day.

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its funny you should say this... I have fell out with my ldr boyfriend... and basically i text and get no answer... but i feel picking up the phone would be chasing him even more... :o

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