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Will taking a weight gain supplement and no ecxercise make you fat?

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My friends started taking a weight gain supplement as she is underweight at the mo. Thing is she doesnt exercise and eats mainly junk food for the rest of the day. the last time she put on weight it went on her face and stomach a lot because shes an ectomorph

Basically does the supplements calories just go into fat like eating a lot of food. It seems like shes already put on 1/2 a stone in a week as she drinks it at least twice a day.

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Having a positive energy balance is going to result

in added mass. The type and ratios of added mass (muscles/fat) can be influenced by resistance training.

If your friend is not exercising at all than her added mass

is going to be very much nearly all fat.


That said I somewhat doubt she has added 1/2 stone of

fat to her frame as afaik 1 stone = 6.35kg which means

she needed to consume over 21000 extra calories

over her maintenance level in 1 weeks.



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