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..messed up?


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i went out with this guy after knowing him for a month..we do not talk all the time, nor do we see each other at all..but are distant friends and he just asked me out out of the blue and so i went with expectations of just a friendly outing.


after about an hour of talking and such, of interests and past relationships over coffee, we decided to head back. on the drive back he asked me if i would like to come over and just see his place since it was early. i accepted, having never seen his place, and also considering i had no plans afterwards anyways.

so back at his place we had some food, and jus relaxed and watched some television.


after a while of this, we start making out and things get escalated. during this, he also tells me that he wants to date me..

so anyways, we don't end up having sex and it's getting late, and i decide maybe its time to leave it at that and go home. so we leave it at that.


he called me the next day and we talked for not too long, and the day after that i text msged him and called and we chatted for a very short time. he ended up going out and partying all weekend and i didnt get invited or anything.


should i expect him to call or jus forget about it now..? feels like ive lost alot of my respect because of what happened that night. is it that with time he may ask me out again?



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