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I preached on the street

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Earlier this afternoon I preached the gospel of Jesus Christ on a street corner. It was a hot day for it. I've got gospel tracts I wrote up. Some have told me to shut up but I just preached louder! Tomrorow will be another beautiful day to preach on the street. The Lord Jesus Christ is coming back soon! People get ready Jesus is coming soon we'll be going home!

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your either someone just looking for attention or your losing it mate......


first you talk about killing yourself, then you talk about an addiction to masturbation and the fact that you have unfulfilling sex when with a woman, then I read on a thread that people reckon your some dude called grace that talked about chopping his hands off last year and now this.....


you need to talk to a counsellor bud

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In Jesus' day the pharisees thought He was crazy too. They thought john the baptist was crazy. True born again believers are considered crazy in the world's eyes. I look forward to eternity with Jesus in heaven. But unfortunately I'm still here. Why? because He still has at least 1 more assignment for me. Don't know what it is. That's God's business.

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In Jesus' day the pharisees thought He was crazy too. They thought john the baptist was crazy. True born again believers are considered crazy in the world's eyes. I look forward to eternity with Jesus in heaven. But unfortunately I'm still here. Why? because He still has at least 1 more assignment for me. Don't know what it is. That's God's business.




Never in my life have I laughed at someone's "issues", but I have to agree with Bogun, though while I had genuine concern for you at first, I think you are just looking for attention. I know that my response is just reinforcing your desire for attention as such, but I haven't laughed this hard in a long while, and just wanted to thank you for making my day.


Oh, and concerning the pharisees thinking Jesus was crazy: actually, that is not true. They thought he was a prophate; most Jewish sects do. Anyway, how in the hell are you going to compare yourself with Jesus Christ? I could be wrong, but I don't think Jesus had issues concerning masterbation and blowing his brains out. Anway, from the threads that you have posted, you don't seem to be "living right" by any sense of the Christian ideal.


Haha, and if I encountered you on the side of the street preaching at me, I think I would put you out of your misery; that could be God's last mission for you: leading me back to church, so that I could repent for what I had done, because according to you, all sins (including suicide) are forgivable. Where do you get your understanding of the bible? Have you even read it?


Oh goodness, it takes all kinds...:rolleyes:

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The Lord Jesus Christ is coming back soon! People get ready Jesus is coming soon we'll be going home!

I bet you a million bucks he aint coming back anytime soon. :lmao:

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Matthew 24:9-14:

Jesus told them....... "Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because of your allegiance to me. And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other. And many false prophets will appear and will lead many people astray. Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. But those who endure to the end will be saved. And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then, finally, the end will come.

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To die is gain. Go ahead and shoot me. God already has a glorified body prepared for me & waiting in the wings after I die. Yeah I could get arrested for preaching on the street corner but hey that just gives me an opportunity to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the FBI or the police or whoever takes me for a ride downtown. They can't shut me up. I'll shut up when God decides to take my voice from me. I'll stop posting here when God decides to take away my ability to type. He can do that anytime He wants to.


You see born again christians are in a no lose situation in this world. If we die we get to be with Jesus. If we live then we continue to share the good news. So either way we win. Any Christian who is serious about the great commission can expect persecution.

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Never in my life have I laughed at someone's "issues", but I have to agree with Bogun, though while I had genuine concern for you at first, I think you are just looking for attention. I know that my response is just reinforcing your desire for attention as such, but I haven't laughed this hard in a long while, and just wanted to thank you for making my day.


Oh, and concerning the pharisees thinking Jesus was crazy: actually, that is not true. They thought he was a prophate; most Jewish sects do. Anyway, how in the hell are you going to compare yourself with Jesus Christ? I could be wrong, but I don't think Jesus had issues concerning masterbation and blowing his brains out. Anway, from the threads that you have posted, you don't seem to be "living right" by any sense of the Christian ideal.


Haha, and if I encountered you on the side of the street preaching at me, I think I would put you out of your misery; that could be God's last mission for you: leading me back to church, so that I could repent for what I had done, because according to you, all sins (including suicide) are forgivable. Where do you get your understanding of the bible? Have you even read it?


Oh goodness, it takes all kinds...:rolleyes:



Call me whatever you want. I know that you are working for satan. Satan is the accuser of the brethern. You are right that I have issues. Those issues are so serious that Jesus had to die for them on the cross. So in the sight of God I have no more issues.

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Matthew 24:9-14:

Jesus told them....... "Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because of your allegiance to me. And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other. And many false prophets will appear and will lead many people astray. Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. But those who endure to the end will be saved. And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then, finally, the end will come.


I'm trying to speed up the coming of Christ by preaching the gospel. The sooner the good news gets out to the entire world the sooner Christ will return.

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Call me whatever you want. I know that you are working for satan. Satan is the accuser of the brethern. You are right that I have issues. Those issues are so serious that Jesus had to die for them on the cross. So in the sight of God I have no more issues.


Hahahahahahaha, yeah, that is absolutly right. Actually, I am working for myself; I don't believe in Satan. I believe in bettering ourselves, and taking responsibiltiy for our own actions rather than trying to pawn them off on a supernatural creature that was created by the masses as a form of control. However, you can believe whatever you want to believe; I have known many respectable Christians who actually practice what they preach, and that is very commendable. Unfortuanatly, there are also those (from what I have read, yourself included) who don't know what the hell they're talking about, and I can't stand hypocracy; especially spiritual hypocracy.


Oh, and yeah, you do have issues; we all have issues, but you don't see very many people post that they are going to kill themselves, and then post that they have a problem with masterbation, and then post that they are preaching the word; honestly, to read your posts, it would seem that you have a personality disorder. Though, I doubt it is as serious as that; it seems to me that you are just a lonely person, who searching for attention (even if it is negative). Do you have a good home life?


Anyway, Good luck to you.

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To die is gain. Go ahead and shoot me. God already has a glorified body prepared for me & waiting in the wings after I die. Yeah I could get arrested for preaching on the street corner but hey that just gives me an opportunity to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the FBI or the police or whoever takes me for a ride downtown. They can't shut me up. I'll shut up when God decides to take my voice from me. I'll stop posting here when God decides to take away my ability to type. He can do that anytime He wants to.


You see born again christians are in a no lose situation in this world. If we die we get to be with Jesus. If we live then we continue to share the good news. So either way we win. Any Christian who is serious about the great commission can expect persecution.


Good grief, you are paranoid; who the hell said they were going to shoot you? I said "put you out of your misery." I have a greater imagination than "shooting" someone ;). There are many ways one could put you out of your misery without killing you; like getting someone to have sex with you. I think that is your problem; even though one of your other posts eludes to your having sex, I doubt you have. Or, maybe you just need to get drunk...I don't know, but you need to find something else to preoccupy your time.


Hahaha, the F.B.I! Delusions of grandure as well! I doubt the F.B.I really gives a damn about some nut preaching on the street; unless they are working for Satan too? It is a conspiracy...*looks over shoulder*


Honestly, I thought I needed to lighten up. How old are you? Go out and have some fun, do something besides hover over your computer trying to think of ways to shock LS users, and freaking people out on street corners.

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Matthew 24:9-14:

Jesus told them....... "Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because of your allegiance to me. And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other. And many false prophets will appear and will lead many people astray. Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. But those who endure to the end will be saved. And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then, finally, the end will come.


Well, I doubt that Jesus is coming back anytime soon then, because Christianity is the largest and most practiced organized monotheistic religion in the world, Judaism being second, Islam being third. So, seeing as the majority of the world is actually Christian, and the most persecuted religion currently being Islam (due to the events following Sept. 11th), I don't think this quote really applies to anything, let alone this particular thread. Besides, the only time Christians were ever really persecuted was in Ancient Rome. SO, I suggest getting all your facts and implications straight before preaching to people. However, I commend you for at least quoting something rather than spewing judgements at people on a street corner...

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Good grief, you are paranoid; who the hell said they were going to shoot you? I said "put you out of your misery." I have a greater imagination than "shooting" someone ;). There are many ways one could put you out of your misery without killing you; like getting someone to have sex with you. I think that is your problem; even though one of your other posts eludes to your having sex, I doubt you have. Or, maybe you just need to get drunk...I don't know, but you need to find something else to preoccupy your time.


Hahaha, the F.B.I! Delusions of grandure as well! I doubt the F.B.I really gives a damn about some nut preaching on the street; unless they are working for Satan too? It is a conspiracy...*looks over shoulder*


Honestly, I thought I needed to lighten up. How old are you? Go out and have some fun, do something besides hover over your computer trying to think of ways to shock LS users, and freaking people out on street corners.



You are also guilty of judging me. Therefore that makes you the hypocrite. You tell me I should not judge yet you are doing the same thing to me. You are making alot of assumptions about me that you have no proof of. You don't know about my sex life except for what I post on here. You may think you know about what I do with my life offline but all you know about my offline life is what I choose to post on here.

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After I die I will appear on the street corner again in my glorified body God willing. Anyone who tries to arrest me or shoot me then won't be able to. The bullets will go right through me.

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You are also guilty of judging me. Therefore that makes you the hypocrite. You tell me I should not judge yet you are doing the same thing to me. You are making alot of assumptions about me that you have no proof of. You don't know about my sex life except for what I post on here. You may think you know about what I do with my life offline but all you know about my offline life is what I choose to post on here.


I don't see how I am being a hypocrite. I am not judging you; I am making observations about you using your actual posts! I have read your posts, I am commenting on the comments you have made in your posts. On the other-hand, you are making judgements about people/things/religions, and you have absolutely no basis for them.

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Some of you women deserve to get the biggest sermon lecture from me


Yeah, and some men need castrated...:rolleyes:

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WHY did you preach in the street? What were your motives and objectives? Did you think that people would take you seriously or did you just want to entertain them?

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God told me to stop my car that afternoon and get out on that street corner and start preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. I made several copies of my gospel tracts. If anybody wants a copy I can mail it to you for free. I'll pay the postage. I'm not a money hungry minister. The gospel is not for sale. It's free.

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Someone wrote up a guide about nice guys, balanced guys, & jerks. I must say that Jesus was neither a nice guy nor a jerk. Jesus was a balanced guy. He was & is self sufficient. He wants us but does not need us. Women have the most attraction for the balanced guy. Jesus was the epitome of the balanced guy and just about every woman would want to date him. He proved His love for humanity by dying for us on that cross. He didn't have to do that.


At the same time He was not tolerant of self righteousness. He spoke the truth in love. Balanced guys speak the truth in love. Jerks are just rude about it. Nice guys sugar coat things.

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Someone wrote up a guide about nice guys, balanced guys, & jerks. I must say that Jesus was neither a nice guy nor a jerk. Jesus was a balanced guy. He was & is self sufficient. He wants us but does not need us. Women have the most attraction for the balanced guy. Jesus was the epitome of the balanced guy and just about every woman would want to date him. He proved His love for humanity by dying for us on that cross. He didn't have to do that.


At the same time He was not tolerant of self righteousness. He spoke the truth in love. Balanced guys speak the truth in love. Jerks are just rude about it. Nice guys sugar coat things.


What? What does this have to do with anything? Of course Jesus was a "nice balanced guy"...he was God incarnate (at least according to Christians).


Oh, and while I am here, I thought this was approprate (even though it is to do with prayer, not preaching, but there is a fine-line between the two, especially when done for the wrong reasons):


Matthew (ASV) 6:5-6:9:And when ye pray, ye shall not be as the hypocrites: for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have received their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thine inner chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in secret, and thy Father who seeth in secret shall recompense thee. And in praying use not vain repetitions, as the Gentiles do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.

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If you have that much contempt for me then why would you even mention anything about getting someone to have sex with me as a way of putting me out of my misery?

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If you have that much contempt for me then why would you even mention anything about getting someone to have sex with me as a way of putting me out of my misery?


When did I say I have contempt for you? I have contempt for hypocracy, and yes I think much of what you have written is hypocritical, but I don't have contempt for you as a person. Hahaha, and the sex comment was just a suggestion; I always believe in trying to help those in need, even if they occasionally act contemptable ;).

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Admiral Thrawn
Women have the most attraction for the balanced guy. Jesus was the epitome of the balanced guy and just about every woman would want to date him.


Is that why you are a Christian?

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Admiral Thrawn
God told me to stop my car that afternoon and get out on that street corner and start preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. I made several copies of my gospel tracts. If anybody wants a copy I can mail it to you for free. I'll pay the postage. I'm not a money hungry minister. The gospel is not for sale. It's free.


There is a site that has access to a whole assortment of comic book tracts for free at http://www.chick.com .

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