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OK i admit that I am no watch expert. Except that I learned in history how the Chinese imperial court gazed in awe when presented with a mechanical clock by Jesuit priests in the 15th century. Now 500 years later, the tables have turned and I'm gazing in awe at the copy watches being produced in China. The copy watches 15 years ago really were a knock-off the colouring on the band quickly faded, numerals on the face would become dislodged and,if you were unlucky, the hands would actually fall off. But some of the copies bing sold today are a different breed altogether and they seem to me (admittedly with an untrained eye) to be VERY close to the genuine article( the stainless steel models anyway, i don't really expect genuine gold to be used in the copy versions)


I'm in the market for a new watch and from my reserach to date I found that a Cartier Santos copy costs about US 100 whereas the genuine article costs US 2200 (stainless steel, automatic) at the Cartier Boutique at CLK. The question for you is, how much of a difference in workmanship and quality is there? What is the difference, really? Is it essentially the same product? or is that extra US 2000 just going on branding, advertising and Cartier's profit line? Does anyone know if the copy watches are water-resistant?


Well this one's certainly gone down like a lead balloon!!! Come all you who've spent HKD 30k on a watch . Do you really think you're getting a different product,or do you just like paying for the branding??


Your thoughts on this will be much appreciated!!!!!

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I usually depend on others to give me the time.


The questions you posed above are for experts who likely have far more expertise in fine timepieces and far more time on their hands than the folks at this forum.


It's time you used a good search engine to find a watch forum.


And while I'm at it, my first watch was a Timex...I think it cost Santa something like $12. It took a licking and kept on ticking. I'd recommend you get a Timex and spend your cash on investments that will give you a good return. When all is said and done, nobody gives a hoot what kind of watch you are wearing or exactly how you get the time as long as you show up when you say you will.


I think you can get a pretty good Rolex or Cartier on the streets of New York City for $20. I promise you people won't know the difference. They are the cubic zirconium of watches.


Go, time is ticking away.

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I disagree with Tony.


I think you should buy the $2200 watch. Immediately. There is nothing like a Cartier Santos watch. It will solve most, if not all, of your relationship problems the day you start wearing it.

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I started wearing one of those Cartier Santos watches one time and the minute I started wearing it I got arrested for shoplifting. It did nothing for my relationships, except with the guys in the same cell.

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