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The Nerve of Her!!!!


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Well it's been 6 weeks since my GF and I broke up! We still chat on the phone and says she still loves me and sometimes we go out! When we do go out, it's like we haven't broken up! She's still affectionate towards me but I do not say anything! We still kiss and so on!! Anyway I let that slide and didn't ask her what was going on between us. Yesterday I brought up the topic just to see where do we stand? She told me that we've talked about this before and she didn't want to talk about it again! But the last time we did, I told her to call me when she was ready to get back into the relationship and not to call me just to check up on me. She agreed! Two hours later she called me back and said that while she was studing for her test she was thinking about me and had to call!! I was like stunned. Of course we started to talk again regularly! Well back to yesterday!! I told her this time that it's either we move forward together and forget what has happened in the past or part and move on with our lives. She couldn't give me a valid answer so I wished her all the best in the future and so on but before I could finish my sentence she started to cry loudly and then her sister came on the phone!! She told me to leave them alone and that I should never call anymore!! She then told me to F*** OFF and hung up!! I was like in shock!!!!


Now for the three years I've know these two ladies I was always there for them. My ex girlfriend is in university and always gets nervous before tests or exams. She breaks out crying and I was always there to comfort and tell her everything will be alright!! As for her sister, I was there for her when she was struck by a car. I stayed at the hospital over 8 hours while she was being check plus I had to be a work a few hours later. Now did I deserve that rude gesture or what? I think not!!


Well 8 hours later my ex calls me back to apologize for what happened. I was like " I did not deserve that and your sister hurt me really bad. I won't accept the apology unless it came from your sister!" She told me her sister wouldn't apologize so then I responded if that's the case in my eyes I dead to the both of you GOODBYE!!!! CLICK!!!


Today my ex called me twice but I didn't answer!!! I did what I had to do in the day and I decided to call back to see what she wanted! She told me she was worried about me and that she missed me too!! Once again I was in shock!!


Now what do you think? Is she calling me because she feels guilty for what happened yesterday? Or is she playing games again? I need help on this one!!! THANKS!!!

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well, simple response . . . RUN LIKE HELL!!!!


seriously though, sounds to me like you are being held onto as a back-up (so to speak). not to sound harsh, but i KNOW, because it's happened to me -- this is NOT a situation you want to be in, and you will KICK yourself later in life when you realize how much you were taken advantage of!


i'm not trying to be all negative and all, but i've BEEN through this kind of situation before, and it's just no good.


it's hard, but try not to spend too much time figuring this out. simple fact, you just won't. it's will be TOUGH, but the chances are VERY slim you'll get any kind of answer you're happy with.


once again . . . RUN . . . and good luck!

Well it's been 6 weeks since my GF and I broke up! We still chat on the phone and says she still loves me and sometimes we go out! When we do go out, it's like we haven't broken up! She's still affectionate towards me but I do not say anything! We still kiss and so on!! Anyway I let that slide and didn't ask her what was going on between us. Yesterday I brought up the topic just to see where do we stand? She told me that we've talked about this before and she didn't want to talk about it again! But the last time we did, I told her to call me when she was ready to get back into the relationship and not to call me just to check up on me. She agreed! Two hours later she called me back and said that while she was studing for her test she was thinking about me and had to call!! I was like stunned. Of course we started to talk again regularly! Well back to yesterday!! I told her this time that it's either we move forward together and forget what has happened in the past or part and move on with our lives. She couldn't give me a valid answer so I wished her all the best in the future and so on but before I could finish my sentence she started to cry loudly and then her sister came on the phone!! She told me to leave them alone and that I should never call anymore!! She then told me to F*** OFF and hung up!! I was like in shock!!!! Now for the three years I've know these two ladies I was always there for them. My ex girlfriend is in university and always gets nervous before tests or exams. She breaks out crying and I was always there to comfort and tell her everything will be alright!! As for her sister, I was there for her when she was struck by a car. I stayed at the hospital over 8 hours while she was being check plus I had to be a work a few hours later. Now did I deserve that rude gesture or what? I think not!! Well 8 hours later my ex calls me back to apologize for what happened. I was like " I did not deserve that and your sister hurt me really bad. I won't accept the apology unless it came from your sister!" She told me her sister wouldn't apologize so then I responded if that's the case in my eyes I dead to the both of you GOODBYE!!!! CLICK!!! Today my ex called me twice but I didn't answer!!! I did what I had to do in the day and I decided to call back to see what she wanted! She told me she was worried about me and that she missed me too!! Once again I was in shock!!


Now what do you think? Is she calling me because she feels guilty for what happened yesterday? Or is she playing games again? I need help on this one!!! THANKS!!!

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