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Re: ???

Ms Understood

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Ms Understood

At 15 your hormones are flying all over the place, and as your body changes you start to feel things that you have never fwelt befopre. It is perfectly normal to fantasise about sex at this age, many young people even get to know there own bodies to find out what they like. This too is completely natural. You are not displaying any signs of wierdness by fantasising about this. It's just human nature

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It's normal and ok to fantasize about sex, but I'd wait until you're older before you explore it for real. When I was in highschool, I was the only virgin in my group of friends. They all told me one day that they were jealous, because I still had my virginity and was saving my first time for a special guy. They had all had such bad experience with guys who had said they loved them, and then screwed them over once they gave it up. I never looked back at my first time as a mistake. It was with a boy who I had dated for over a year and we really cared for each other. I waited to make sure there was something real there, before I gave him my body. I was in my second year of school (I was 19 yrs old)and I have absolutely no regrets. Having sex at too young of an age - anytime in highschool can sometimes really confuse a person even more. Guys at that age DO talk and you don't want that reputation going all through the highschool. Guys may only date you, because of that. Highschools hard enough without horrible rumors about you going around. Besides, since you're only going to be 16 once (coming real soon for you) don't you want to be "Sweet 16". It only comes once in a lifetime.

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