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accidently Cheated!! Help!!!!

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I'm having a lot of problems, well actually it's a cumulation of a bunch of problems and now it's this huge mess.


In high school i was known as the slut, basically if guys wanted to get laid they would go out with me. it was like that until senior year when i met a guy who actually liked me for me (austin), he even inspired me to start junior college. we decided to stay together after he moved away to college, and i was really happy about that, but then i started doing some really stupid stuff. i started hanging out with this crowd that was always partying and drinking. once after a house party i found myself in bed with a stranger. when he saw i was awake he said something like "baby, you were so good, we should get together again." then he slipped me his number and took off. I was totally disgusted. i decided not to tell austin because i figured it would only hurt him and i never meant to sleep with that dork.


i thought that was the end of the story, but then a couple of months later i went to visit austin at college, and guess who his roommate was? none other than the guy i accidently slept with. i was totally shocked. i was able to speak to him in private for a minute and we agreed that we would never tell austin about what happened. but, i'm really scared that this guy will eventually spill the beans to austin. what should i do?

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What goes around comes around honey and I think you'd sleep better at night if you just told your boyfriend what happened.


There is no doubt that the truth might slip out one day and the longer you wait the more hurtful it will be for him.


Time to fess up for your actions and you can't blame something that you willingly drank knowing the effects of it.


Sometimes we do "some really stupid stuff" , but the ones who really learn from their actions are the ones that face the consequences.


Scarlett O

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I'm confused as to how you can ACCIDENTALLY cheat on someone. Either you do or you don't. If you didn't realize you were cheating, then this guy must have raped you and it wasn't cheating, you were the victim and you should bring up charges against this jerk and I'd tell my boyfriend, who would then confront his roomate - I'd hope. If he raped you and you were drunk and don't remember a thing, then he's a jerk for taking advantage of you and you should take better care of yourself and not put yourself into these situations. Othewise I don't understand how it could have been accidental.


I wish there was some advice I could give you on how to prevent Austin from finding out, but unfortunately this is just a "If you lose this guy forever, then I hope you've learned your lesson." Hopefully you'll find another great guy down the road, and you won't do the same thing to him. It's a small world, so I'd be careful in the future about who you share your body with, you never know when it will come back to haunt you - as you are finding out now.

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Your a slut, keep your pants zippered at all times, unless your w/ your boyfriend. You give women a bad name, you C*nt!

I'm having a lot of problems, well actually it's a cumulation of a bunch of problems and now it's this huge mess. In high school i was known as the slut, basically if guys wanted to get laid they would go out with me. it was like that until senior year when i met a guy who actually liked me for me (austin), he even inspired me to start junior college. we decided to stay together after he moved away to college, and i was really happy about that, but then i started doing some really stupid stuff. i started hanging out with this crowd that was always partying and drinking. once after a house party i found myself in bed with a stranger. when he saw i was awake he said something like "baby, you were so good, we should get together again." then he slipped me his number and took off. I was totally disgusted. i decided not to tell austin because i figured it would only hurt him and i never meant to sleep with that dork. i thought that was the end of the story, but then a couple of months later i went to visit austin at college, and guess who his roommate was? none other than the guy i accidently slept with. i was totally shocked. i was able to speak to him in private for a minute and we agreed that we would never tell austin about what happened. but, i'm really scared that this guy will eventually spill the beans to austin. what should i do?
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look, i don't know who you are, but you definitely don't have a right to speak to me that way. i may not be perfect, but at least i don't curse at people i don't even know. if anything you are the one who gives women a bad name.

Your a slut, keep your pants zippered at all times, unless your w/ your boyfriend. You give women a bad name, you C*nt!
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