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are boys really like that?

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why are boys(referring to some who seem to be very speechless) like that, at first i thought their really nice, they seem to act very natural, so simple, but once they get to know you like them, or you get to know they like you, they'll just dissapear. theyll ignore you, would only talk when they want or when you talk to them. In a way can't they realize that we are expecting you to make a move, do something, say something. if you like the girl please stay the same, dont distant yourself, dont left us in the middle of nowhere. well if you dont be still, dont ignore or walk away just like that. face the problem. that's all!

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It seems to me that they are scared. How old are these boys you are talking about? I did this too when I was like 15 and when I knew a girl liked me or I liked her. It's called being shy and scared. If he does not make the move, then if you do really like him, you make it.

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I'd like to say that it's because men are shy,scared,and young, but 15 or 35, a lot of them do it. I still can't figure it out myself. The only thing I can think of is it's a commitmentphobia type thing. The guys that come on strongest and pledge their undying love for you, are the first ones gone. I guess it's like that old saying, the quickest, brightest burning flames, die the fastest. The gradual slow building relationships are supposed to be the ones that last.

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Is there anything we can do or they can do to stop acting that way? because sometimes i think, they're being unfair. anything to overcome this or it have to come naturally from them? because it geives a feeling of being left out for girls.

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I know it's unfair, but unfortunately life isn't fair. There is no way to stop them from doing it, because we can't control them or their feelings. The only thing you can do is to realize the signs and learn how to nip these types of relationships in the bud and stop them before you get hurt.


Some of the signs are...


1. When a guy comes on strong, tells you he's never felt this way before within the first week or 2 of meeting you.


2. When he's constantly complimenting you and your body, telling you how gorgeous you are and that you can probably get any guy you wanted. A guy that really likes you would be too nervous to say this to you, when he hardly knows you.


3. When he discusses marriage and children with you within the first 3 months. A guy that really likes you is so nervous, he's too busy worrying about getting you to a 2nd or 3rd date, let alone marriage & children, he's certainly not going to want to scare you off.


4. When he calls you more than 1 a day. That's a BIG SIGN that girls tend to ignore, because they have such great conversations with a guy and it seems to come naturally. A normal guy who likes you would be asking his friends, "OK I called her on Monday, should I call her again on Wednesday or Thursday? Or would that be too soon? Do you think I'll scare her away?"


5. When he tries to spend too much time with you, in order to hurry the relationship along and make it seem like you've been together for 2 months in only 2 weeks. A guy that likes you, will want to see you once or maybe twice a week tops at first on a Friday or Saturday, maybe even a Thursday. Eventually, once you know each other, he'll want to spend more time with you and the dates will increase.


6. When they want to spend the night at your place within any of the first 5 dates. A guy that really likes you, wants to know that no matter how much you like a guy, they want to know that you can be trusted to not just go home or go to bed with someone you hardly know, even though it feels like you really know them.


7. If a guy tries to get you into bed, you don't go to bed with them and they try to convince you to anyway and gets pushy. A guy that is normal and likes you, would never ever do this, because they don't want to jeopardize anything.


If this doesn't make sense, then just think about how you are when you're around a guy you really like. You're nervous and afraid to do or say anything silly to screw it up. If you do, you get extremely embarrassed. Well guys are no different, they do the same things and are just as nervous around girls they like.

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