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To Tony


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Befor you DID wrote about Love. (i.e : to be able to express that little tingle of sadness/delight/joy/warmth/pain/utterhelphlessness all rolled into one compact emotion called love)


So here goes, my turn:


It never matter when you made me wept, a grief so deep that i couldn't comprehend it myself. it never mattered that i was your emotional backup, haven in bad weather, and neglected when the sun begins to shine once more. Because every second that i breathe and walk this world, i love you with heart soul and mind. and not letting myself do that, would be so much more painful than letting you hurt me time and time again. I wish things were different. but they aren't. i wish i'd see your face again. but i probably won't. all the best to you back home, while i will survive through this winterwith love in my heart, tears in my eyes, and your face in my mind...

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Sounds very sweet to me. A bit sad, too.


I get really pissed when people allow themselves to be someone else's reserve, to be used only when things aren't going well for them. I hope you will not allow that to happen to you again.

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