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I don't know and it hurts...

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Guest Jess

Ok, well I've known this lad called Steve for ages n I totally fell for him. And although we weren't technically going out, I know he is a decent guy and I lost my virginity to him on monday night. We spent a lovely day together on tuesday, and tuesday night I went to a male friend's house to watch football. Unfortunately we kissed, though I regretted it afterwards and told Steve straight away. He said he was okay with it, but a little upset.

On Wednesday night, we were both at a party and I got verrrry drunk. When Steve was out for a while, I got with two lads and he knew when he got back. I tried talking to him about it because we were going to try and have a relationship but he said he needs some time to think, which I completely understand. I feel awful about what I did, but I dont have any choice now but to wait and see what Steve says. It's all my fault and I don't have any excuses, but I'll be so gutted if he doesnt want me.

Anybody got any ideas how I can convince him to stay with me? I definately wouldn't cheat if we were together, but I don't know what came over me and I can't make him believe that. Please help!

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I don't exactly know what you mean by "I got with 2 guys". I give you props for being honest with him, however, there's nothing you can do to "convince" him to stay with you, or start a relationship with you. I am not trying to be mean, but if I were him, I wouldn't talk to you anymore after that. If you really want to be a good person to him, give him the space and time he needs to decide. And respect his decision. After all, you probably hurt his feelings pretty badly -- regardless of your official status with him. Good luck, though!

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Sleeps w/Butterflies

Hello Jess


What I don't understand is why did you tell Steve about the guy from Tuesday? If you are not with him why tell him?! Also if you were going to repeat the same behavior the next day! About the party on wednesday that is crazy two guys at the same party? I think you should quit it with the drinking it appears that sorry to say you don't value yourself which you should as woman. Also at this point your lad Steve is probably disgusted with you, you gave him your viginity on Monday and had encounters (even if they were nonsexual) with three different guys. Calm down and stop acting so wild, respect yourself a little more. Did you kiss these guys in attempts to make Steve jealous? Why tell him? Guilt?


All I can say at this point is to back off and give him space. Do not call him and when he does call do not bombard him with questions like "how do you feel? Are you mad ?" etc. Be nice but don't push. I seriously think if you want any future with Steve you should quit the drinking because how do you expect him to ever be able to trust you in a relationship when you lose yourself in alchol.


Good luck!

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If You Want Steve....................... Go Get Him B/4 You Do Something Else Stupid With Regrets..........give Him Space But Only A Little.....................tell Him Why?????????? Iy Happened Even W/details If He Needs It. Promise(mean It)

It Will Never Never Happen Twice..................good Luck.

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