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Emotional Bloodletting

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So, have been carrying on with male friend who wants something more, constantly saying how much he is in love, how perfect together they would be, how she should give him a chance, basically spilling his guts about how he feels about her, and then saying "but I dont know how you feel", and she repeatedly told him she wants to be friends only to which he replies with "I dont want to be your friend. I want to be your boyfriend" ....finally they have a talk. Girl tells guy - yes, I could see myself with you, but the time is not right, and I dont feel good always thinking about you and I fear that the more time I spend with you, the deeper I will be sucked in.....

Guy finally got confirmation that girl feels the same way.....


and poof, all the crazy madness from the last month has melted away....he no longer calls her, waits to see her, meets her after work, or say all those crazy in love things to her anymore....

she says to him "so, everything is normal then, right? We are just friends, and everything is cool, right"?

and he says yes, we are just friends, and everything is fine....and he is distant, aloof, still friendly, but way backed off....


But just before they had the dramatic conversation, he absolutely refused to be just her friend, saying he didnt see her that way, he wants her, and will not stop....now they can be "just friends"?


can anyone tell me what happened?

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Yes .. He chased you until you caught him and he lost interest!


He was in it for the chase and he won the prize!


How old is he?

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....finally they have a talk. Girl tells guy - yes, I could see myself with you, but the time is not right, and I dont feel good always thinking about you and I fear that the more time I spend with you, the deeper I will be sucked in.....


He got the picture he was wasting his time at the present time.


She made it clear she isn't ready. The timing is bad...


He backs off so as to not keep pining away and hurting himself desiring to be closer to her then he was allowed.


Its easier to be alone then to be near someone you want that you can't have..

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Yes .. He chased you until you caught him and he lost interest!


He was in it for the chase and he won the prize!


How old is he?


I think you are right. He won the girl and now hes not interested. Sometimes girls can be like that. Saying no, no, no and the guy will forget what he is even chasing for but just concentrates on winning the girl, he wins her than realises the fun and desire was just the chase. Not what he was chasing.


These guys always are the ones who seem nice - ones who like to play the hero and the healer. Want to save the girl and win the girl.

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I'm confused...I'm not sure why it matters if he's backed off....all you wanted was to be friends right? why should you care then? Shouldn't you be relieved? Or do you prefer him chasing after something that isn't going to happen?

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