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getting around too much!

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i am a 21 year old girl and have recently broken up with my boyfriend of 4 years. i have been going out a lot with friends and have been meeting a lot of very nice guys that have taken a lot of interest in me. i end up getting drunk and sleeping with quite a few of them as one night stands. i hate what i'm doing because i'm starting to get a name for myself but i just can't seem to resist and i guess i enjoy the attention. is what i'm doing wrong?

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You're relying on alcohol to have a good time and feel better about yourself. My guess would be that you have enough sense to realize that if you didn't go out and get drunk, then you wouldn't be sleeping with all these guys. Thus, the solution. Stop getting drunk.

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Do you value your body? How do you feel the morning after? Your behavior is a common way for young women to feel desired and important on some level at least. You're not so young really. I think these men are glad when they come aross you because you are not too young. They like it even more when they realize you're stupid enough to become drunk. Not to mention the message you're sending which screams "Take advantage of me please!!" One night stands are just stupid. Please stop giving it up. These men give you a little attention and you give them sex. I hope you can realize you are worth more than this. Get tested for every STD known to man while you're learning how to stop engaging in meaningless/dangerous behavior. Human beings are remarkable because they can separate the mind from the body. Don't keep yourself a victim of the lusty body. You're not a rodent but a human woman.

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Everyone has their own opinion about what is right and what is wrong. Some people may think what you are doing is wrong, others may not. You have to decide for yourself if it is wrong for you.


Based on what you said in your post, I would have to say it sounds like this kind of behavior is "not right" for you. My reasons for saying this:


1) Drinking heavily can be destructive to your mind and body. When you are drunk, you are more accident-prone.


2) Anytime you have sex with someone you are exposing yourself and your partner to the possibility of contracting or transmitting an STD. Having multiple partners increases the risk dramatically.


3) You feel bad about it. If you continue doing things that make you feel bad, you will most likely end up feeling worse. It has already had a negative effect on your self-image, not to mention the image others have of you.


You are probably just going through a phase that many people go through after breaking up from a long term relationship. You have all the freedom in the world, but that freedom comes with responsibility and accountability.


Make good choices for yourself that will help you attain a future desirable goal. Refrain from behavior that could end up causing you future harm.

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