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She thinks im cheating

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My girlfriend said she was grounded and couldnt do anything, so i went to my friends house,Haley, i was over there most of the night and when i came home my girlfriend was asking where i was...she told me to come over the next day, she said she smelt alcholal on my breathe and was asking what i was doing w/ haley...i keep telling her were just friends, but she keeps telling me im cheating on her, yesterday she broke up w/ me, and today she said if i could prove i didnt cheat on her she would take me back...any ideas

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Well maybe since your g/f was grounded it wasn't the best idea to over another girls house to hang out, just friends or not. The way I see it is, she either has some insecurity issues and by you going over their added to that, or the one doing the accussing is possibly the one doing the cheating. I don't think you have to prove anything to her. If you're innocent and nothing happened with this other girl, then you g/f either takes your word for it or she doesn't. Thats what you need to tell her as well.







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