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Got it bad

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Ok, here's my story. I worked with this guy for a year (2004-2005), and we flirted almost every day during that time. He had long-term girlfriend, but it was pretty obvious that neither one was in love. We used to talk about a lot of different things, and sometimes he would stay at work a little later because of our conversations. He would stop by my cubicle to talk with me. We brought in our high school year books to see what we looked like in high school. He bought me lunch on my birthday. When he went on a trip, he brought me back an inexpensive gift. He set up the projector for me when I had to give presentations. He would offer to do a lot of things to help me out. We made fun of each other in a friendly way, and he would often playfully punch me in the arm. He left at the end of the year, but before leaving asked when "we" were going to go out for drinks. I thought he meant "we" as in our group of co-workers, so I played it safe and told him to get a group together and pick a place and time, but he never followed up on it. By that time I was dating someone else.


After he left, he would stop by to talk to a co-worker about their project or drop off something and would leave notes on my desk, usually making fun of me. He works extremely long hours in his new job. I've sinced moved on to another job. So we haven't worked together for almost a year.


A few months ago I sent him a funny/insulting cartoon, saying that it reminded me of him. I didn't ask him any questions or tell him about myself. On the same day he wrote me back a funny one line reply but didn't ask about my new job or whatnot.


I'm confused. I thought he was really into me, but he hasn't asked me out now that we no longer work together. Heck, I'd settle for just being friends. Should I send him another e-mail actually asking about his work this time, or should I just give up?

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