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Went out with a friend of mine to see the movies and she just totally felt distant. I invited her to hang out and she didnt want to do anything after the movie and ended up taking her home. Weve been friends for a year and during last semester weve been talking and actually ended up sleeping together at the end of semester, no sex though. Shes been calling,txting,and iming me for like 3 weeks after school and its been great. But all of a sudden she just flakes on me. Doesnt even talk on aim, she just signs off when im on. Whats up with this. Do women do this on purpose

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Who knows what's going on in her head. If you want her in your life then ask her what's going on!




Back off and leave her alone. Let her come to you! Trust me, if you stop calling/emailing/IM'ing her - She WILL react. She'll wonder why now YOU aren't paying attention to her.

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kitten chick

Maybe she was tired of waiting for you to make a move? It's hard to guess why someone all of a sudden pulls away. If you really want to know you're going to have to ask her but she may not give you an answer.

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