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My girlfriend stopped answering her phone

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my girlfriend and i have been going out now for a year and a half. we live together at school but since it was summer i went home to work for a month or so and she stayed behind because she has to work. i would never suspect my gf of cheating but in the last week she has not been answering her phone at all when i call. and she has not been calling me either. she called me once for about 5 min and then says ill call you later. well later never comes. its been going on for a few days no. and just last week she was wanting me to come home so bad and was upset i was not calling enough. i was calling a few times a day, even at work. so i tried calling more and now she wont answer. i saw her last weekend and it felt a tad weird. we did have sex but right after she got her period so we didnt have any more for the weekend. when i finally got a hold of her she was acting like nothing had happened and surprised i was upset. then she hangs up and i dont hear from her. we still live together and my stuff is still there. she is not much of a flirter and she always told me if she ever was going to cheat on me she would tell me and break up before. but i am now having my doubts, we talked all the time on the phone and for it to suddenly stop is weird. we never fought or anything. i was thinking of driving back up there to see what is going on. what should i do, the last break up i had i was depressed for so long and i am afraid i will go there again.

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You can listen to your gut, and go with that. You don't know for a fact if she found someone else? those are just opinions! maybe she is just busy, or being a bi*ch to you and feeling like you need to give her more attention and because of that she is ignoring your calls.


If she said she woulden't cheat, and she would break up with you before, she might just be telling the truth, and you will have to take her word, for now. You say she sounded shocked that you were upset with her, well than it did go past her head and she probaly didn't think anything about the calls. Has your girlfriend showed any red flags besides that?

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being a bi*ch to you and feeling like you need to give her more attention and because of that she is ignoring your calls.


I agree...and I don't think she found someone else.

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