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I feel like to give up


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I actually enjoy life very much until now, I know this may sound stupid but I always thought i was smart. Now that i started University, i feel like i just can't keep up, my grades are not good, and I'm losing myself esteem. i'm starting to think that i'm dumb

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it's very normal to question yourself when you start college. it might take a while to adjust to college and to form the study habits that you'll need for the grades that you want. give it your best effort but don't be too harsh on yourself. remember that you had to have some serious brain power to make it this far.

I actually enjoy life very much until now, I know this may sound stupid but I always thought i was smart. Now that i started University, i feel like i just can't keep up, my grades are not good, and I'm losing myself esteem. i'm starting to think that i'm dumb
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You're not alone. The adjustment is painful for everyone. Don't think in terms of a semester or a whole year or getting that degree. Think in terms of making a daily schedule. Begin assignments in advance and seek help from professors in private. It's sink or swim in the beginning. It is nearly impossible to fail when you make a sincere effort. Give the old "college try". College makes everyone feel inadequate at the start. You'll have a laugh later. Take advantage of the free academic assistance offered -tutors, writing centers, etc... Think short term goals. This helped me. I could barely get through my first year, but I have a masters degree now. Don't enroll in vocational school just yet.

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Yeah, freshman year stinks. It's all about adjustments to everything new. Change is great and yet very scary. In my first year of college, my grades dropped, I had all these new strangers all around me and had to meet new people and develop new friendships from square one - which meant I had to socialize and study at the same time - impossible. I even pulled a fire alarm (accidentally - I thought it was broken) and got fined $350, couldn't have visitors in my dorm, had to write an apology note to all the people in my building, and almost got kicked out of the dorms. This was all during orientation week. If you knew me, you'd know that I'm the type of kid who always stayed out of trouble and kept my nose clean. I went to the Dean of Housing hysterically crying. I wanted to quit school right then and there, go back home with my parents and go back to highschool. To top it all off, I gained the freshman 15lbs and my boyfriend from highschool dumped me.


Freshman year is supposed to stink and you're not supposed to be the smartest one. Not only is college for educational and professional career preparation, but it's also an education in getting to know who you are. You will notice, that by the end of your freshman year, you will have totally changed. You're just now getting to know yourself, what you like and dislike, without your parents telling you. It's the exploring stage. Freshman year grades are supposed to me bad. There not supposed to be good until 2nd semester sophmore year or 1st semester junior year. Just know that what you're feeling, everyone else is feeling - they're just hiding it very well.


Now enjoy the good part of college. Being on your own, all the great friendships you're going to develop, the keg parties, the girls you're going to meet. It's going to turn out being the best experience you've ever had. It's all you're going to talk about for years to come. By senior year, you'll be wishing it wouldn't end, but you'll be prepared to now become a Freshman in life.


Now freshman year in life really sucks. That's when college throws you out into the real world, but that's another story for another day. Send another posting in four years, when you've graduated. You'll probably need more advice then.

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