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I feel bad.....

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I went to a disco the other night and my boyfriend, Kane didn't go. I went with my friend, Isabella and her cousin, Jesse. We were going around asking guys to dance with Isabella but they were all turning her down and i thought "i wanna dance with guys too" so they started asking guys for me but i only got to dance with 2. Isabella's other cousin, Oliver, which is a total hottie and this other guy. After i got out of the disco, me and oliver hugged. It happened on Friday night so my boyfriend doesn't know yet. I also flirt with other guys when my boyfriend isn't around. i might even be flirting with guys when he is around! i can't help it, what should i do with the dancing and the hug? nobody saw the hug so i wont tell him about that but the dancing. i mean, it was only dancing...it doesnt really mean anything does it? what should i do? what should i tell him? the whole school is going to tell him that i was dancing with other guys.

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i'd be more concerned about "i cant help flirting" thats like me saying I cant help calling someone an a-hole, you can always not flirt.



as for dancing with various guys in front of your school when they know you have a bf and you know he'll find out well..thats your own problem. I'd personally be a bit alarmed if my gf was going to dances without me and dancing with other dudes, and admitting she flirts when im not around.

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based on what I can detect, I think you are at the age that many people (okay, really mostly girls) go through where the attention they can get matters as much to them as any emotional connection they have to a boyfriend. Men differ on whether this makes the girls bad people or not.


The best thing you can do is weigh heavily whether having a b/f is as good as getting attention from other guys. If it is, commit to at least cause no harm to your b/f.


And like Spectre said, focus on words like "I can't help myself" -- that is exactly the kind of thing that gives girls a bad rep for being emotionally vulnerable, easily manipulated, etc. Of course you can help it -- you just don't want to. There is nothing wrong with not wanting to either, so long as you don't have a boyfriend

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The question you should be asking yourself is, Do you feel bad enough to stop your current behavior? If not, you shouldn't tie yourself down to one person. Someone is bound to get hurt.

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Woah. chill out. You danced and hugged a guy. Let's call the drama police!!!!



Believe me, its not that serious. If your boyfriend gets upset because you danced and hugged a guy, then you really need a new boyfriend.


And the flirting thing? You're in school, flirting is normal. Practically every talk between a guy and girl in high school is flirting, our hormones are in full fledge mode. Really, you're over analyzing this, if they really tell your boyfriend that you are a whore for dancing with other guys, then I might have to think you are in 6th grade or so, even high school isn't that immature.

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Dancing/hugging/flirting with other guys... totally fine. f***ing/"touching" other guys, not cool. I think this is all a bit of an overreaction.


As an aside I kinda like it when my girl flirts with guys. It's a sort of ego-booster... all those guys know she may be flirting with them, but at the end of the day, I'm the one who's gonna be in the bed with her ;) Such a power trip.

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I bet the OP'd be thrilled to see her b/f dancing with some other girl(s) the same way this guy was dancing with her.


Hugs are for friends. How many "hottie" guys that your g/f meets in a bar one night qualify as friends?

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I bet the OP'd be thrilled to see her b/f dancing with some other girl(s) the same way this guy was dancing with her.


Hugs are for friends. How many "hottie" guys that your g/f meets in a bar one night qualify as friends?


Thats the point, they wont be in a bar! They are like 16, flirting is as natural as taking a piss in high school.

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