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Whats up with him


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Me and my boyfriend have been together for eight months now and there is this promblem thats really bugging me.Well I moved in with him a month after we got together. I know that was a big mistake because every time he leaves I always want to go with him. But sometimes he doesnt want me to go. I dont know if he is geting sick of me or he just wants to go alone because we always see each other. And he works 6 days a week snd I always stress wondering if is going to come straight home or not. I like to go with him because I get really board at home waiting for him to get there and when he doesnt come straight home I get really mad.And there was a little fight between us last weekend because he lied to his mom and dad telling them he had to work. And when he called home his mother comfronted him and he didnt know I was on the other phone listening. He said "I lied because I dont want to be stuck with Deanna all weekend" He thinks his mom would of him take me. Please help me . What should I do

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A quick word of encouragement...however much we love our boy/girl, it's quite normal to want a bit of time alone or with other friends!!No disaster, no earth shattering revellation this, but I think you need reminding! You moved in together pretty fast, your relationship will be shifting and adjusting for months as you find a lifestyle that's pleasing to you both. Howzabout cutting loose one Sunday to go out with the girls? On your own? To your family? Also I think boys like to feel rugged and independent sometimes, not admitting (esp. not to mum!!) how attached they are to us. Bon Chance....

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