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Infatuation into a friendship?

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Im sure many of you have been in this situation.


I've been talking with this girl for 4 months(online) with a lot of flirting. After 2 months we decide to meet, its long distane. When we met it was really akward.. rarely talking but we were still infatuated with each other, we couldent be ourselves and still can't. The infatuation between us was so strong that it ended up hurting us more then we thought it would. When we talk.. all the moments are gone. We agreed that a relationship would never work, and we should try to make a friendship work. But its not working. Its going to hell. I know with time, we will loose all contact. The mistake that we made was not meeting early enough, we should have started the friendship first instead of being infatuated and think a relationship would work right away.


My question is, with time can infatuation turn into a friendship? If so, How?

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The crush-like feelings have to go away if you two are to be friends. I don't believe it's possible because of the intensity of the feelings.


So, you two were fine online, but face to face it didn't feel the same? I think for a while you two should totally stop talking online and start doing phone calls, then try again, face to face. Give it some time. If you like this person, then GO FOR IT, try your best. Just doesn't sound like you two gave it enough time face to face. If it doesn't work out then call it quits and walk away for good.

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How would I go about start talking on the phone? She is going to suspect that I'm trying to make a relationship out of the situation since we agreed on the friendship. Seems that its best to walk away, yes?

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Yes. Unless you can handle "just" a friendship. And I'm thinking after what you felt for her, it's going to be really hard being just friends. Maybe in time, after feelings fade...But now? I doubt it's possible. Plus, the fact that there are feelings still, this will prevent you from finding another girlfriend.

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I had the perfect afternoon. After avoiding the situation about her being controlling. I was fed up! I spoke up, told her what she was doing. She denyed it! Then I explained it, then she saw what she was doing. Then I left her and went to play pool with a couple of friends. An hour later, she txtes me on the cell phone 'Shocking!'. Asking me how I was doing. Last time I received communication from her starting the conversation was 2 weeks ago. I didnt give in. I just dont care anymore. I learned to be patient from her, Im glad but its not worth the battle. Shes just waiting to get hurt and needs to learn not to be indecisive. I have something new on my plate to chew on. Next door neighbor;)

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