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Maybe it's me... OK it's probably me...

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OK, so I'm obviously in a horrible funk this weekend.


I've come to the conclusion that the planets must be in the correct alignment and you have to do a goddamn voodoo dance to meet anyone, have a good time and be happy in your stupid, godforsaken life.


s***, that was rather melodramatic. :o


My question to all of you happy daters is this: WTF happened to make you meet the person you are currently infatuated with? I hate going to bars only to be disappointed weekend after weekend. I am so tired of this alone bulls*** and wish more than anything I could be more like a man in that it seems like they don't get lonely (and if they do, they don't write about it in public discussion forums), can live their lives not worrying if so and so calls, and generally see the world as their own personal poon buffet. Honestly, guys, it's a beautiful thing you have going on.


That is my rant for the evening. Happy Sunday!!! :cool:

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Guys get lonely, too. The world is not a poon buffet. You're full of stereotypes.


Going to bars expecting to meet people is probably going to get you lots of disappointment. You should go to bars because you want to be there.

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Hi Kittiecat. Sorry you're not in the greatest of moods today. I don't know how to respond to your question of being in a good relationship. I'm currently not in a relationship with anyone, but I do have several guys pursuing me. And one guy just showed up one day from California so I got laid :love: I guess I have adopted the 'male' thinking, or maybe that is incorrect: maybe it's a strong person's thinking rather than 'male'. I'm not clingy, and am able to be with someone just cause it feels good. I can take or leave just about any guy, and don't need to have a man to validate my worth in the least. Maybe there is something wrong with me too??? It's funny though, because the less needy you are on the guys, the more they seem to be into you...what's up with that?

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OK, so I'm obviously in a horrible funk this weekend.


I've come to the conclusion that the planets must be in the correct alignment and you have to do a goddamn voodoo dance to meet anyone, have a good time and be happy in your stupid, godforsaken life.


s***, that was rather melodramatic. :o


My question to all of you happy daters is this: WTF happened to make you meet the person you are currently infatuated with? I hate going to bars only to be disappointed weekend after weekend. I am so tired of this alone bulls*** and wish more than anything I could be more like a man in that it seems like they don't get lonely (and if they do, they don't write about it in public discussion forums), can live their lives not worrying if so and so calls, and generally see the world as their own personal poon buffet. Honestly, guys, it's a beautiful thing you have going on.


That is my rant for the evening. Happy Sunday!!! :cool:


I met my GF unexpectidely at a bar one night. We go to school together but we had never talked. The key word is unexpectidely. That seems to be the only time when one will meet someone, when it is unexpected. Us guys do get lonely. Some guys just seem to believe that it will make you less of a man to admit any weaknesses.:confused: The guys with a poon buffet target the woman who are clueless and ditzy, and have self-esteem issues. thats nothing that i am missing out on. A real man will wait to meet one woman that is intelligent and will respect herself.

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Johan - I believe that stereotypes exist because there must be at least a kernel of truth to them. But yes, I do tend to make blanket statements like that a lot. My mom always gives me crap about it. :laugh:


Grace - I know. I've never thought of myself as the needy type. I own a home, have a pretty good job, and generally can do whatever I want within reason. You're probably right, though...the key is most likely to stop obsessing and just live life to the fullest. Sometimes it's easier said than done...but I'm sure it can be done...somehow. :)

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The guys with a poon buffet target the woman who are clueless and ditzy, and have self-esteem issues. thats nothing that i am missing out on. A real man will wait to meet one woman that is intelligent and will respect herself.


You are right, Riddler. I'm sure I've had my own moments of cluelessness and ditziness (perhaps this being one of them!?). :p The last guy I went out with asked me when I wasn't looking at all, so you're probably on to something. ;)


Ugh...whiny bitches suck.

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You are right, Riddler. I'm sure I've had my own moments of cluelessness and ditziness (perhaps this being one of them!?). :p The last guy I went out with asked me when I wasn't looking at all, so you're probably on to something. ;)


Ugh...whiny bitches suck.


Everyone has whined about this at some point in there life, so don't feel bad.


Just have some patience and enjoy your life.:)

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The last guy I went out with asked me when I wasn't looking at all, so you're probably on to something. ;)


Ugh...whiny bitches suck.


Well, here's a little secret for you: I've been waiting for you to stop looking, so I could put the moves on you. Also you'll have to stop with the whiny bitch thing.


I'm patient, but I can't wait forever...

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Yeah, Kittiecat, quit whining already, okay?? :p It's not so bad to not have some guy, you know we could have one any night of the week if we truly wanted. That's the joy of being a chick! I recently met this one guy in the supermarket...he's a bit younger than me and recently divorced (no kids). We spoke for 45 minutes and he told his buddies about me, but he forgot to get my number so he couldn't call. I told my friend about him too, and said I didn't even ask his name...what were we thinking?? Anyway, I ran into him over Mem Day weekend and now I have all the info on him. But how can I possibly be bummed with him for not calling when I don't call him either?? I probably should call him though, since he called me last. What do you think? It's been about a week since we spoke.

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HA! I momentarliy bitched to LS about my thread disappearing, because obviously it's immensely important that I receive sunshine from strangers about my love life. :p Anyway...


I'm all out of whine and cheese...


Grace -- hey I say go for it. You have nothing to lose. Man...I thought people only had supermarket interludes in the movies!!


Johan -- I understand you are a cat man. MEOW! ;) Have two myself. Your move.

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HA! I momentarliy bitched to LS about my thread disappearing, because obviously it's immensely important that I receive sunshine from strangers about my love life. :p Anyway...


I'm all out of whine and cheese...


Grace -- hey I say go for it. You have nothing to lose. Man...I thought people only had supermarket interludes in the movies!!


Johan -- I understand you are a cat man. MEOW! ;) Have two myself. Your move.


A cat man? I thought he was a pussy man?:laugh:

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:laugh: :laugh:


Yeah, but aren't all men?


Yeah, you're right...well the straight ones anyway!

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Yeah, you're right...well the straight ones anyway!


:laugh: Yes I suppose that's true. Please excuse me and my blanket statements.

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:laugh: Yes I suppose that's true. Please excuse me and my blanket statements.


Yes, it is true.;)

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I'm actually happy being (willfully) single. I don't want any realtionships knocking me off of my course.




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I hate going to bars only to be disappointed weekend after weekend.

Statistically, bars are the worst places to find romance. Now, if you're only looking for a one-nighter or an alcoholic it may be different.

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Love Hurts

You and poon are happy today. Look at pics of venereal disease.

Grossly rewarding to know the benefits of being home alone.

Comforting thoughts starting off here.


Your post is cute. I know how you feel.

You simply want to have someone to share life with.

We need to express ourselves. Frankly some of us do not do lonely well.


You have heard it all before hold on. In the mean time.

Singles dances are nice places to meet men.

Internet ..a leery option.


Local town sporting events

Through friends or other people


I know a female that found her man in a penny saver.

They are still together. Nice couple and funny topic as to how they met.

It's not easy, there alot of lonely people in the world ,just connecting the right people is difficult.


Personally I use to tell myself my significant other lived on the other side of the world, after a few years determined he was hit buy a bus and all hope is gone.


Once a lovely old Italian woman suggested I stand in a funeral home. Imagine that./

She went on, oh yes honey, people are always passing on.

That place is teaming with men you can find one.

Well I thought it was a bit much, the hungry woman amongst the grieving.

Needless to say I couldn't do it so I think I've heard my share.

Also my mother suggested I to the grocerie store more often.



In the end. Patience.... Get a hobbie. Do something you are proud of.

Focus on you. You can make it.

I believe we waste time searching. I believe it just happens.


One more for you.

A senior lady told the storie of how she had met her husband.

She had been out to lunch with her girl friend when a man walked in.

He placed an order over the counter and looked around noticed her in the booth.

He kept looking and looking away. When his take out was ready he paid for it... then approached her table.

He said, your a lovely looking woman I just could not leave wtihout telling you that.

I do hope you single, and would let me give you a call sometime.

I would like to get to know you.

Well she is 80 something now and that was in her early 20's ..

They are still together.


You don't know what the future holds.

Just live one day at a time. You may simply bump into Mr. Wonderful walking down the street. Who knows.


I know this may not help much................ when you are ready NOW... words do not help...... try to relax and accept where you are today.

Let tomorrow take care of itself.


Think of the head and heartache you are sparing yourself from at the moment. That is a plus. Have a good day............. relax.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think men do get lonely too.



You gotta stop looking sometimes and one day it just slaps you in the face. Start enjoying your activities, go for the fun not to look like someone else stated.

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