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Should I???

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:confused: I am wondering if I should be intimate with a man that I have never met yet, but have had an internet/phone relationship now for over 4 months! We are meeting soon for the first time, and I just know that I am inlove with him, and he feels the same for me. We talk about anything and everything, he even helped me through my divorce! Giving me so much advise! and being there for me to vent to... I really do love this man, and believe in being intimate if you are inlove with the other person...But seeing as how we have never met, could it be risky? Could we sabotoge all that we have built? Or because the foundation is so solid, would it be good to finally have the closeness? I feel as though I am ready, and I believe he is too, but just don't want to hurt us...Please help!


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:confused: I am wondering if I should be intimate with a man that I have never met yet, but have had an internet/phone relationship now for over 4 months! We are meeting soon for the first time, and I just know that I am inlove with him, and he feels the same for me. We talk about anything and everything, he even helped me through my divorce! Giving me so much advise! and being there for me to vent to... I really do love this man, and believe in being intimate if you are inlove with the other person...But seeing as how we have never met, could it be risky? Could we sabotoge all that we have built? Or because the foundation is so solid, would it be good to finally have the closeness? I feel as though I am ready, and I believe he is too, but just don't want to hurt us...Please help!



I am not sure if you are quite ready. You have never met the guy. People sometimes have two personas: one in person and one not in person. Before you decide to be intimate, you should meet this guy in a public place and see how he is in person before you do anything with him.

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Hi Riddler,

Yes, I do plan on meeting him in a public place, actually at an airport, he's paying for my ticket... we will meet up at an airport and head over to a hotel where there are two rooms reserved one for me and one for him... he's a police officer, and his unit will be with him for a convention (3 days). So, as far as saftey goes, I feel real safe, I will actually be meeting the chief while I am there! Pretty crazy huh?? I even did a background check on him, all by myself, and he came out clean.... He was real impressed with that, seeing as that's one of his specialties in his field...

Thanks for input, if you have more, please share, always can use all the advise I can get...

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Hi Riddler,

Yes, I do plan on meeting him in a public place, actually at an airport, he's paying for my ticket... we will meet up at an airport and head over to a hotel where there are two rooms reserved one for me and one for him... he's a police officer, and his unit will be with him for a convention (3 days). So, as far as saftey goes, I feel real safe, I will actually be meeting the chief while I am there! Pretty crazy huh?? I even did a background check on him, all by myself, and he came out clean.... He was real impressed with that, seeing as that's one of his specialties in his field...

Thanks for input, if you have more, please share, always can use all the advise I can get...


Nice to meet you as well.


I was thinking more along the lines of a restaurant or some place like that. Sit down and have a conversation with him. Watch his body language. See if all his talk is for real or if he is BS'ing you. I am only saying all this because there are alot of internet predators out there.

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:confused: I am wondering if I should be intimate with a man that I have never met yet, but have had an internet/phone relationship now for over 4 months! We are meeting soon for the first time, and I just know that I am inlove with him, and he feels the same for me. We talk about anything and everything, he even helped me through my divorce! Giving me so much advise! and being there for me to vent to... I really do love this man, and believe in being intimate if you are inlove with the other person...But seeing as how we have never met, could it be risky? Could we sabotoge all that we have built? Or because the foundation is so solid, would it be good to finally have the closeness? I feel as though I am ready, and I believe he is too, but just don't want to hurt us...Please help!



:eek: ...Just PLEASE be CAREFUL!! How old are you? Do your parents know?? Not to scare you but please don't let your guard down k ;) You never know nowadays!

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