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How Do I know If She Interested?/

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Hey guys,


just wanna share my story here.... my story starts with meeting this girl online and have been talking to her for the past 3yrs and for the first 2yrs of it it has been online chatting on and off then i started calling her on the phone and we started talking prretty much every night for atleast 2 hours about our selves and just recently i went out to see her she lives in the west coast i live in the east.... so anyways i met her and it went pretty good we started talking about this and that and shes exsactly wut she said she was.. so i was ther for about a week i was with her almost everyday and lucky i had some family down in the west coast so that made it easier for me to find a place for the week... so we wer going out almost every night talking going out to places we had a good time so the last day that iw as leaving i went over to her place before i wnet to teh airport and i was talking to her about us and honestly she flat out told me these wer her words "I CANT GIVE U YOU WHAT YOU WANT" but i mean its not like she said it in a rude way so i told her i said honeslty im happy wer just friends then you know,,, but basicallly i was heart broken and wen i got back wer still talking almost everyday but i mean thers signs like this i tell her im gonna call her on this day and she calls me a couple days before the day i said i was gonna call... so i dunno shes done that a few times but i still feel like shes not giving me the full message i ask her once do u even wanna talk to me or are u just trying to be nice and she says " honestly if i didint wanna talk to u i would tell you straight up" but im really confused here guys i want more out of this but i mean i need the rite question to ask her about us.... i dont wanna wait forever for someone that just wants to stay friends with me i wanna know if wer ever gonna be more than that.... so wut i wanna kno is how do i find out if shes really interested in me more than friends.....? need some help here guys... thanks alot!

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so wut i wanna kno is how do i find out if shes really interested in me more than friends

She already indicated to you that she is not interested in you more than friends.

she flat out told me these wer her words "I CANT GIVE U YOU WHAT YOU WANT" but i mean its not like she said it in a rude way

She flat out told you she doesn't want to be more than friends. After knowing her for 3 years and being friends, it would not have made sense for her to say it rudely. She said it kindly.


She still talks to you because she likes you as a friend. Just because she doesn't want to be in a relationship with you doesn't mean she won't want to continue talking to you like she has all these years. If that is too hard on you, then you should cut contact with her. Obviously you want it to be more and she doesn't.

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i dont wanna wait forever for someone that just wants to stay friends with me i wanna know if wer ever gonna be more than that


Then you need to back away and end your friendship with her. She has told you she see's you as a friend and if you have other feelings then friendship will not be enough for you. Just tell her how you are feeling and wish her the best. There is no shame in having feelings for a good friend but if you stay there wishing for more then you are causing yourself pain. You know what to do so step up to the plate.

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I am a woman, and I don't understand... Alot of woman are like that too, very strange!! I feel that she's indecisive, and can't make up her mind what she wants...

I tell her that if she wants to talk, she can call you, because you are getting a strange vibe, and that you are worth more, then having to second guess yourself everytime you call her. If she calls, then she cares, if she doesn't, well, then you know...


I have been in an on-line relationship with a man for the past 4 months now... The best relationship that I have ever had!! So I do believe they can work, even across the continent, I live in IL and he lives in NV! But both people have to work very hard everyday to make it work, and communication is key!! It sounds like you are doing all you can, so tell her what I said, sit back and wait! You are better then this! and if she can't see it, then it's her loss!!


You sound like a real sweet guy! and that's how my guy is!! He was complaining when we first met how woman aren't attracted to him because he's a "nice" guy... I must not be a typical woman, thankgod!!! because I fell for him so fast!! and would have missed out on the best guy ever, if I would have been like the majority!!


You'll find the right one for you too, she's out there! Promise! Maybe even on line again, you never know! Just don't worry so much, if she is into you, then you wouldn't, and shouldn't lessen yourself to her anyway!


Goodluck! I hope you find love and happiness!


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