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Getting Seperated...totally lost

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True...but man you should have seen me in my Royal Horse Guards/1st Dragoons...(cavalry) No' 1's...Sharp... All blue with red strip down my riding pants.. and spurs.....cutlass.. Sharp/bu*l **** standard.. although very Napolionic...:lmao: :lmao:


I have noticed that USMC and Royal Marine Commando Blues are very similar... strange... must be a Marine thing;) ...



Not at all, the United States Marine Corps openly and officially acknowledges that USMC is grounded in and has a direct lineage to the British Royal Marines, the similarities in uniform and uniform artcles of the USMC acknowledges and pays homage to that fact ~ not just merely copy it.

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Not at all, the United States Marine Corps openly and officially acknowledges that USMC is grounded in and has a direct lineage to the British Royal Marines, the similarities in uniform and uniform artcles of the USMC acknowledges and pays homage to that fact ~ not just merely copy it.


Cool... I know they exercise allot together... keeping the ties stronge..


Thx for that bit of history...:)


Are there any links with the Royal Dutch Marines... they to wear a similair uniform to the RMC... or maybe that is just a tie in from WW2?

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Cool... I know they exercise allot together... keeping the ties stronge..


Thx for that bit of history...:)


Are there any links with the Royal Dutch Marines... they to wear a similair uniform to the RMC... or maybe that is just a tie in from WW2?



The Royal Netherlands Marines, (Korps Marineiers) aka the Dutch Marines were founded 10 December 1665 in the Dutch Wars which caused the British to fourm the Royal Marines, after an amphibious raid up the Thames in 1666. The olderst is the Spanish Marines (Infanteria De Marina Espanola which sailed with the Spainsh Armada.


United States Marine Non-Commissioned Officers are the only enlisted men permitted to still carry swords in all of the Armed Forces of the United States, in all other branches only commissioned officers are permitted to still carry swords.

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The Royal Netherlands Marines, (Korps Marineiers) aka the Dutch Marines were founded 10 December 1665 in the Dutch Wars which caused the British to fourm the Royal Marines, after an amphibious raid up the Thames in 1666. The olderst is the Spanish Marines (Infanteria De Marina Espanola which sailed with the Spainsh Armada.


United States Marine Non-Commissioned Officers are the only enlisted men permitted to still carry swords in all of the Armed Forces of the United States, in all other branches only commissioned officers are permitted to still carry swords.


Hmmm...another history buff:confused: ... not many around;)


When I was in the army.. I was one of the few who actually though the History of the Regiment was cool... I was amazed I had any friends at all:lmao: :lmao:


... but hay... I was big enough to handle most "bullies" ... and dumb enough to stand up to the bigger ones..:cool: .. so my love of history.. was overlooked... plus I was hell of a dancer... and could pick up the ladies..:laugh: ..always makes you popular with the lads... "hay hang out with him.. he gets the "birds" (chicks for my american friends):)


Ummm where was I going with this.... oh yeah... history is cool:laugh:

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Oh, I'm a big time history buff.


Some buddies of mine in the Marines were tooling around D.C. and we were walking by the Smithosonian, I said, lets check it out, and unionson all four of them said at the same time, "We go in there, we'll never get you out." :laugh:

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Oh, I'm a big time history buff.


Some buddies of mine in the Marines were tooling around D.C. and we were walking by the Smithosonian, I said, lets check it out, and unionson all four of them said at the same time, "We go in there, we'll never get you out." :laugh:


Hahahahah.... man... we are sounding more alike as we gone down this twisted path...


I once spent a week in London... (UK) not Canada..:p I draged a buddy around the Museuims. Imperial War Museium. and The Battle Ship HMS Belfast (Friggen Huge... WW2...vintage)... but not as big as the Iowa Class US ships... those as I am sure you know...were big... In consolation... he got to drag me around the pubs... (now who lost out there...:lmao: :lmao: )

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I've been on and toured the:


USS North Carolina

USS Alabama

USS Texas (Pre Peral Habor)


Seen the "Jersey" in action........................WOW!


Wasn't pretty, wasn't fun! Definately not a good day! To be on the receving end of a Volkswagen with explosives raining down on you. The crater it left, was big enough to put a small house in.


I remeber the Iraq's during the first Gulf War, all they wanted to talk about was B-52's and their bombs, and the shells from the BB's (Battleships)


PM me about you Regiment! I'm interested in knowing!

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I've been on and toured the:


USS North Carolina

USS Alabama

USS Texas (Pre Peral Habor)


Seen the "Jersey" in action........................WOW!


Wasn't pretty, wasn't fun! Definately not a good day! To be on the receving end of a Volkswagen with explosives raining down on you. The crater it left, was big enough to put a small house in.


I remeber the Iraq's during the first Gulf War, all they wanted to talk about was B-52's and their bombs, and the shells from the BB's (Battleships)


PM me about you Regiment! I'm interested in knowing!




No prob... ill put some history together for you and pm it sometime tommorow... in the office by myself.... so (:D )

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Hi all,


I had the boys Friday night.. and little guy all Saturday...


I was fantastic hanging out with them... but it is horrible to take them back...to their moms.... such a feeling of happines.. mixed with loss...:confused:


My s/son had a sleep over planed for Saturday night... which I found out on Friday.... kinda ticked me off... but .. he does not have to spend time with me ... and I won't push the topic... he is almost 13 so... I remember what I was like back then...:eek: ...


After we dropped him off... the little guy and I went the mall and bought some board games... "Trouble... and chess.. (I have a carved stone chess set.. quite nice... got it in Mexico) The little guy always wants to play with it... (he is 5 and not always careful) :lmao: ... so I bough a plastic set... which he can use all he likes.... :laugh: He has no clue... but it was funny as hell trying to teach him.... apparently in a 5 yr old mind... checkers an chess is interchangable...:lmao: :lmao: .. too funny... I must say though that he did try very hard..:) We then had a game of "Trouble" he picked the game up very fast... and the little moster... won..:lmao: :lmao:


We then baked some cookies.. (it was cold and raining out... so my intended farm visit (haunted barn and animals.. and hay ride..was not in the books) (DW had suggested it the day before...:) ))


Now I have never baked anything in my life... so it was... actually It was only...my first... as my little guy always helps his Nana.. (both sides of the family) to bake... so he was an old hand at this...:p


Well the cookies turned out awsome... (chocky chip and huge) I was probably to generous on the dabbing onto the cookie sheet...:lmao:


But they were awsome... I sent some home with him today.... for him, his brother and mom....;)


Last night we sat and watched a Harry Potter movie on TV... he sat beside me and cuddled me... he mumbled something about wishing mommy could be there too...:( Stuff like that is hard to hear... but I know he wishes DW and I were together... He always loved to stand beneath us and watch us kiss... he would always asked us to kiss again... he loved seeing us love each other.... (big sigh....)


I love that kid....


Anyway... back at work..:p


Bye for now



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Bud, a it really sounded like a really good weekend.

Fresh baked cookies are always a good thing especially if the little guy thinks he's teaching YOU........

Plan on it a lot during the winter with your little guy.

ALSO, this is from experience, Hot Chocolate and Marshmellows too... Hey you only get him part time make the best of it.

You know........ My guys are both young men so I really can't relate to your little guy missing you and your EX together but it must be so difficult.... There I guess I'm lucky.


You're really doing a great job bud...




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I just got back from the store and I have a gallon of cold milk, just wondering does anyone have any "FRESH" cookies??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


Sounds like you and your son had a good time and you would be surprised at what they can learn at an early age.

Good that you are having that father-son time together because it is good for the both of you.

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When it comes to being a parent ~


Sometimes the nights are long ~

And the years are all too short.

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Just found this on MSN


I guess I should have made better use of the internet when I was still with my wife.... geeesh



For most couples, whether married or in a long-term relationship, it can be a difficult transition once the "honeymoon" stage is over. The initial lust and butterflies in the stomach you once felt may have given way to a more laid-back, comfortable feeling with your significant other. It is normal for long-standing relationships to cool down after a while and this is when the real relationship building begins.


A good partnership is like tending to a pet - either you feed and nurture it, or bad things will happen. The small things you do become important. Daily habits help to forge strong relationships and marriages. It can be as simple as remembering to tell your partner "I love you," everyday.


If you are really serious about making your relationship work, there are several little rituals that you can incorporate into your daily life.


Talk To Each Other

Most relationship experts would agree that talking is the most important elements of a healthy partnership. Happy couples typically say their relationship works better when they can sit down one-on-one, share their feelings and work out their frustrations. Topics of discussion can extend past your relationship. Talk about work, how your day is going, or something funny that happened to you.


Many couples may complain that it is hard to find time in their busy day to have a daily couple's pow-wow. Well, it doesn't have to be an hour-long psych session each day. You simply have to set aside a few minutes for your special someone. For example, do a "weather" check during the day. Call your partner at home or at work to see how his/her day is going. By doing this, you will be more in sync when you reconnect after work.


If you have a pet dog, how about walking it together every night? The quiet time and fresh air can be your chance to focus on each other. If you have missed each other during the day, be sure to catch up at night right before going to bed. It is in this relaxed atmosphere that you can unwind and tell your partner about your busy day.


When you live together, you may automatically think you know everything about your lover. In reality though, it is very easy for life to get in the way if you don't take the time to connect with each other.




Flirting isn't just for teenagers and couples on their first date. Part of a healthy sexual relationship involves flirting with each other everyday. And it doesn't just have to be a form of foreplay. Even on the nights when you are just too doggone tired to be intimate in bed, flirting can be a fun way to keep the zest in your relationship.


Don't be embarrassed about flirting in public either. Show off the strength of your relationship with a little PDA (public displays of affection). Walk hand in hand and try to steal a quick hug or kiss whenever you can. Most importantly, don't forget to say "I love you," as much as possible throughout the day.


Be Silly Together


Life is serious enough. Sometimes you just need to do something really silly. And if you can't do it with your significant other, who can you be silly with? When you find the time, try reliving your childhood by visiting an amusement park. Go on all the scary rides and eat all the sweets you can until your stomach can take no more.


For a daily ritual that you and your partner can share at home, try playing a game of Twister. The contorted positions you will find yourselves in will have you laughing in no time. Or kick back and watch a funny TV show that both of you enjoy. Whatever you do, the important thing is to laugh and have fun together.


Declare Your Independence


Remember that healthy relationships are made up of two independent people who have their own personalities and interests. It's not good for the relationship to be constantly joined at the hip. So also make a daily habit of getting away from each other. Peruse your own hobbies and interests.


Doing things separately gives you a chance to fill in the blanks that your partner may not be able to fill for you. For example, if one of you likes sports and the other likes the arts, use your alone time to go to the gym or enroll in a painting class. At the end of your day, you will find that you have more to talk about. It will help bring freshness to the relationship, as you both continue to grow as people.


Cultivate Common Interests

Along with developing your personal interests, apart from one another, it is also essential to find something you can do together. The emphasis is on finding an activity you can both enjoy. Although your definition of fun may be going shopping, he may not enjoy being dragged along.


If common interests are not present, happy couples develop them. Try working out at the gym together. Or take some classes together until you find something you both like. Maybe you'll both fall in love with cooking and connect each night by preparing dinner together.



it's the little things


Although these daily habits are all very simple things, they are the things that can develop a lasting, concrete relationship. These small gestures build upon the positive energy between a couple. When the time comes that the relationship is under stress, you'll have the energy you need to get through it.

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Well its official.. I am finished in the office in about a week. Then back out on the road.... with my pretty flashing lights...


I look forward to it as doing that kind of work was why I got into this field in the first place....


The past 7 months have been a great challange... career wise... and I have learned allot more than I would have expected.... plus all the seperation piled on top of that.... (stress city).:p


Now...I have been transfered to a shift that totally screw up my schedule for visitation... planes made ... (I am fighting it internally) and expect to have some consideration made in the near future....:confused:


We shall see... It is one thing after another... but I am surprisingly taking every thing in my stride.. not loosing my cool... and dealing with it like a Big Boy...;)


My how... I have changed.... I also found my *alls have grown... bigger.. I guess from working in the office... you are expected to make allot of your own decisions.. and you sink or swim by those decisions... (well I'm still bobing along here... so... I imagine... I did pretty good... all considering...:lmao:


I think allot of this comes down to a much healthier self image... something that for all the other reasons I sunk into that quagemire of depression... and anger... and etc..... got out of shape... felt intolerance with everything...


My self image took a hit big time... and my internal dialouge...was pretty anti-me


That has change so much... I feel allot more rounded as a man/person...


I realy am/have felt comfortable in my own skin for awile now... and it just keeps getting better...


Most of all.... I feel humble... that I was given an oppurtunity to be happy.. and in my own way wrecked that opportunity....


I have truly learned that you cannot take life and other people for granted... because .. as I am experiencing... you tend to lose so much...


(This is not self pity speaking... but self reflection);)


Well enough said...


Hope everyone is healthy... and happy as can be...


Cheers for now..


and Happy Halloween...:)

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Most of all.... I feel humble... that I was given an oppurtunity to be happy.. and in my own way wrecked that opportunity....


ilmw, after reading everything you've writen, I think _this_ is your oppurtunity to be happy. You havent wrecked it yet!

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That has change so much... I feel allot more rounded as a man/person...


I realy am/have felt comfortable in my own skin for awile now... and it just keeps getting better...


Most of all.... I feel humble... that I was given an oppurtunity to be happy.. and in my own way wrecked that opportunity....


I have truly learned that you cannot take life and other people for granted... because .. as I am experiencing... you tend to lose so much...


(This is not self pity speaking... but self reflection);)


Well enough said...


Hope everyone is healthy... and happy as can be...


Cheers for now..


and Happy Halloween...:)


You have grown and learned so much! For what you consider as a wreckage, you've discovered a lot and have found some personal happiness. You're W sounds like a good person too and hopefully with any luck things will work out.


Keep the chin up and thankfully you're up in the Great White North, eh, and can't bust me for speeding......


Happy Halloween!

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You have grown and learned so much! For what you consider as a wreckage, you've discovered a lot and have found some personal happiness. You're W sounds like a good person too and hopefully with any luck things will work out.


Keep the chin up and thankfully you're up in the Great White North, eh, and can't bust me for speeding......


Happy Halloween!


Thx Lor...:)


As for me catching anyone for speeding... not likely... don't you know.. there are no roads up here... and we all travel by dog sled.. across the tundra... and the average temperature is 150'c below......:p


I hate doing radar.....unless you were doing some realy (idiotic speed):p


I'm more prone to get people for "blowing a stop sign".. I would sit out in plane view... in a big white crusier... and watch people drive on through...the fact they never even noticed me there... just added to there problem... I'd pull them over.... and shake my head afterwards.. having listened to another bunch of excuses... having been to "fatal pedestrian accidents.. where someone has not stopped... I don't take any excuses...:mad: Grrrrrr.


I am actually quite a nice person... just don't make me pull you over...:cool:


Hope you have a great night... and drive careful...;)

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ilmw, i've been meaning to ask someone in the know... say i'm on the highway, what's the typical speed that you let people get away with? I've noticed that a lot of my friends are doing 130+ before they get tickets. Is there some kind of unwritten rule?


You also reminded me of my old apartment building. In mtl there's tons of one way streets, and sometimes, it's only one way during certain periods of the day. Anyways, they decided to turn the road on the side of my building into one way during mornings. So they put a HUGE sign to indicate this but ppl would continue to go straight through. So then they'd put a COP in his car blocking the road, and ppl would STILL go through passing the cop on the left LOL. I mean, how dumb can you get??? PLUS, you see 5 other cars pulled to the right getting tickets! It amazes me the stupidity of some people.

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I hate doing radar.....unless you were doing some realy (idiotic speed):p

I am actually quite a nice person... just don't make me pull you over...:cool:


So you've seen my driving, huh? What do you consider idiotic speed? although we have mph in the states, is 80 in a 65 considered idiotic? :lmao: :lmao:


I bet you're a nice person even when you pull someone over. How many women have you done that to, and when you get to the window, have put on a fresh apply of lipstick? :love:Gee, sorry officer....didn't know I was speeding. Are you going to take me in? Are those handcuffs real? :lmao: :lmao:

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Gee, sorry officer....didn't know I was speeding. Are you going to take me in? Are those handcuffs real? :lmao: :lmao:


hahahahah *Bad thoughts* *bad bad thoughts* :lmao: How am i suppose to work now? lol

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maybe its psychological when I'm speeding.......looking for the men in uniform?? Tight blue dress pants, gunbelt slung low on hips, badge glinting in the sun, using one hand to slowly take off the mirrored sunglasses........


lock me up officer, I've been a bad, bad girl....:bunny: :bunny:

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So you've seen my driving, huh? What do you consider idiotic speed? although we have mph in the states, is 80 in a 65 considered idiotic? :lmao: :lmao:


I bet you're a nice person even when you pull someone over. How many women have you done that to, and when you get to the window, have put on a fresh apply of lipstick? :love:Gee, sorry officer....didn't know I was speeding. Are you going to take me in? Are those handcuffs real? :lmao: :lmao:


Ummm 25 over is going a good clip... in M/hr... not quite idiotic... but getting there...;)


I actually got pulled over in Arizona on my trip...for speeding.. 30 m/hr..over I had unknowingly entered a construction zone.... every time I look down at my map (I was parinoid of getting lost again :confused: ) I missed the warning sighns... and (did not slow down) I remember looking up and seeing the van infront of me slowing... I then glanced over.. and saw a rather shinny black and white Arizona State Trooper cruiser on the side of the road... I glanced down at my speedo (not the swim wear).. and saw my speed.. at the same time I noticed the speed limit sign... my eyes immediatly looked into my rear view mirror... and observed the state trooper pull out and come up behind me... (well... I knew then I was going to be pulled over... tell tail sign of getting pulled over....:eek: .)


Well he did pull me over ... and the nice young trooper was very professional... my work ID kinda confused him.. (Sir.. what does a Constable do up in Canada..?) I replied with a sheepish green.. Ahhh... exactly what you are doing right now...:o He then asked just before he walked of... "do you have any weapons in the car..?" I laughed... and replied... "are *ucking nuts... If I brought my weapon down here... I'd probably lose my job" he gave me a strange look and then walked off.


Well he took my ID and licence back to his cruiser... and I sat there in my little blue car.... and waited... (awful experience for anyone) Thing is I knew what he was doing in there...:p


He then came back out and asked me to step out of the car..... I thought..."what the #uck is this all about"... did allot of internal swearing on that day" He then presented me with an official warning for speeding..


We then had a qiuck chat... about driving.. I explained I was a little embarrased for getting pulled over... he was a little uptight .... then I noticed the mic on his shirt... and I knew he had a dash camera.. so I figured he was being taped and monitored... so he could not show a little more professional curtisy...


Well atleast I got a cool little souviner from Az...:D Needless to say... I did not squander the lieniance given.. and hugged the speed limit.... until I got to California...:p


And... yes I have been hit on... flirted with.. during traffic stops... The better looking ladies tend to realy put on a show....


I guess I am not effected by the attempts... cause I have always treated everyone on a level playing field.... and treat them the same....


Its amazing how... the flirting suddenly changes into anger... the pretty lady .. changed into a slathering rabid animal.... (what was once pretty becomes very ugly....)


Ahhh the princess did not get her way...:rolleyes: Must be some latent anger issued fI have from my highschool days... getting turned down by... um what was her name again....:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


Yes mame... there real cuffs.... and ther'e only kincky the first time...:lmao: :lmao:

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hahahahah *Bad thoughts* *bad bad thoughts* :lmao: How am i suppose to work now? lol


Dgiirl... tisk tisk tisk...;)

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Knock on wood I haven't gotten a ticket in over 6 years....:o


I learned from being with a former co-worker ~ don't swear at cops. :lmao: It doubles the ticket! Not that I'd do that anyway, they're only doing their job and I'm the one who got caught. 'Sides, sometimes if you are nice they do let you off with a warning......


Why only kinky the first time?

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Knock on wood I haven't gotten a ticket in over 6 years....:o


I learned from being with a former co-worker ~ don't swear at cops. :lmao: It doubles the ticket! Not that I'd do that anyway, they're only doing their job and I'm the one who got caught. 'Sides, sometimes if you are nice they do let you off with a warning......


Why only kinky the first time?


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: ...yeah.. swearing is rude too...;)


Everything is situational... some people..get warnings...allot don't. :eek:


Its amazing how...when many people get behind the wheel of a car... they become... "effing nuts":laugh:


Have ever seen a lady in an expensive busniss suit... picking thier nose...?


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: .. you should have seen her face.. when she saw me grinning at her....:laugh:


When I put the 'bracelets' on someone... I tend not to be all :bunny: ... you have no doubt...you goofed up.


but.. i do get to be nice to little kids... and old folks:)

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