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I want to hurt her ......

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Okay I am going to ask a strange question and I am damn sure that all of you are going to conclude that I am a total jerk.. But I am asking the question anyway..


Almost all of you know my female "friend".. After lengthy discussions it has been concluded that this person has used me to the core... She got boyfriend priveleges from me without giving anything in return. I admit that I was a complete fool to put myself in that stupid situation but that does not absolve this girl from the mistakes she has done...


My question is I want to do something nasty to this female so that she feels the pain that I am in now... I feel used, unworthy, and dirty... My self-esteem has taken a plunge..


Its not even a question that I am going to stay away from this evil woman but I want to punish her before I distance myself so that she doesn't dare to do this to anybody else... In other words I want to take my revenge!!!!!!!


I know this is completely immature but where was the maturity factor when this girl took me for a ride??????


Give me your suggestions... I know I am going to be judged but I really don't care... only I know the pain I am in now!!

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I really hope this isn't a serious post.


It is a serious post!

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kitten chick

Oh jeez. What good will hurting her do for you? You're right it's really immature, don't stoop to her level. Be the bigger person.

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You could buy her a gift card to one of her favorite stores in appreciation of demonstrating to you that being a doormat for someone doesn't mean they are your friend (or that they'll trade their puxxy to you) and helping you to make a decision not to put yourself in that position ever again. :)


A good education is expensive in unexpected ways.

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You could buy her a gift card to one of her favorite stores in appreciation of demonstrating to you that being a doormat for someone doesn't mean they are your friend (or that they'll trade their puxxy to you) and helping you to make a decision not to put yourself in that position ever again. :)


A good education is expensive in unexpected ways.


I was nobody's doormat!


Don't offer your advice without knowing what the problem is...

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Well right now I'm sure you are thinking of all devious ways to place your revenge on her. But after some time you probaly won't feel like that any more


We all feel used sometimes, and I know how that feels, especially when majority of people play a big part of it.


You can't really do anything to her to make her feel the pain that your in right now, but one day she will feel it, in the long run


As a little prank you can order 30 pizzas to her house, you know the simple little things, but I'm sure thats not the type of revenge thats on your mind right now.


The best revenge, is no revenge at all, your better than that


Go hit a punching bag and pretend It's her head, incase my advice doesn't help!

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I was nobody's doormat!


Don't offer your advice without knowing what the problem is...




Don't be caddy, people are just giving advice!

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Don't be caddy, people are just giving advice!




If my memory serves me right you had a situation where one of your guy friends confessed his feelings for you.. am I correct?


Can you please explain step-by-step what you did from that point on?


Thank you

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CLOBSY!!!!!!!!!!!! What are you thinking buddy?


She may have used you but she didnt do it with intent on hurting you babe! She didnt set out to upset you!


I would say she is insecure and in need of male attention and she loved you as a friend. I really do not think she realises the impact she has on you!


Take a breathe and stand back ... I know you are hurting I hear it in every word you write about her but taking revenge will make you feel like a sewer rat because you are not that person!


PM me if you need to rant babe


Write a letter to her and dont send it! Do anything BUT dont do something you will regret babe!

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CLOBSY!!!!!!!!!!!! What are you thinking buddy?


She may have used you but she didnt do it with intent on hurting you babe! She didnt set out to upset you!


I would say she is insecure and in need of male attention and she loved you as a friend. I really do not think she realises the impact she has on you!


Take a breathe and stand back ... I know you are hurting I hear it in every word you write about her but taking revenge will make you feel like a sewer rat because you are not that person!


PM me if you need to rant babe


Write a letter to her and dont send it! Do anything BUT dont do something you will regret babe!




you know that feeling don't you?????? the anger that sets in after you realize that you were used by the other person.........


how did you manage those emotions after what mr.driveby did to you? be honest, didn't you feel like taking it out on him? even once???????????

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To be honest I never thought that I wanted to actually do anythhing to him but I do believe in Karma and did sometimes think that he will feel it one day.


The funny thing is that I sent him a mail 2 months ago telling him not to contact me anymore and now I have met a great guy who treats me so well, buys me flowers, takes me to lovely places, shows me respect and shows me how much he likes me .... and guess what? Mr D rang me last week


Oh it was great!


I told him how he isnt a guy I would want to be with and how he made me feel cheap. He told me he misses me and thinks about me alot and we had a real nice friendly chat after that! he said he hated that I thought he used me for sex and said he soesnt see me like that and that he just does not want a relationship with anyone.


I told him I am with someone now and he sounded gutted! He missed his chance!




Finish it with her babe - For once and for all!

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To be honest I never thought that I wanted to actually do anythhing to him but I do believe in Karma and did sometimes think that he will feel it one day.


The funny thing is that I sent him a mail 2 months ago telling him not to contact me anymore and now I have met a great guy who treats me so well, buys me flowers, takes me to lovely places, shows me respect and shows me how much he likes me .... and guess what? Mr D rang me last week


Oh it was great!


I told him how he isnt a guy I would want to be with and how he made me feel cheap. He told me he misses me and thinks about me alot and we had a real nice friendly chat after that! he said he hated that I thought he used me for sex and said he soesnt see me like that and that he just does not want a relationship with anyone.


I told him I am with someone now and he sounded gutted! He missed his chance!




Finish it with her babe - For once and for all!


Oh that's so great, isn't it?????????? To know that he now realizes he missed his chance.... that's incredible!!


I am sorry that I am asking this but what made you to actually send him an email asking him not to contact you any more? Did you decide to cut it out b'cos he didn't want a relationship with you??


She may have used you but she didnt do it with intent on hurting you babe! She didnt set out to upset you!


I am at a loss here......... You say that this girl is not using me? But I thought she did...


I would say she is insecure and in need of male attention and she loved you as a friend. I really do not think she realises the impact she has on you!


What makes you say that she loves me as a friend???????? I always thought that she is using me.........


okay very simple question -> does this bitch really love me as a friend or is she using me to get the male attention?


if its the former then i am willing to be her friend... if its the latter i want to kick her to the curb..

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Bro, it sucks but the fact is you can't hurt her. Short of hitting her or something totally uncool and nasty like that, nothing you do will matter.


You can only really hurt someone who cares. And she doesn't. She doesn't care about your feelings, she doesn't respect you, so no matter what she'll just think you're lame and blow it off. Doesn't that suck?


Think through your feelings, and see how much of the torture you are in right now is because of her, or because you feel like a jackass for getting played like that. Everyone's different, but I have found that usually most of the hurt and anger I feel is really at myself.


Nothing she did to you was cool, and if she were a cool caring person she never would have done it. This kind of person is impervious to any emotional venom you throw her way. All that you'll do is look like an idiot and give her a story that her friends (and boyfriends) will laugh about until she dies. Don't give her the ammo--quit while you are ahead.


Take solace in the fact that you learned a lesson (pretty cheaply, actually), and that one day you will get the person you deserve and be happier than you can imagine. Also know that a person like her will never have that feeling. Ever. She's too much of a harpy to truly enjoy another person. Remember, too, that she has to be with herself ALL THE TIME and you don't have to be with her ever again. Who is the winner in this situation. YOU ARE!

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My question is I want to do something nasty to this female so that she feels the pain that I am in now... I feel used, unworthy, and dirty... My self-esteem has taken a plunge..


Okay you want an answer, right!?


There is one thing you can do:


Silent Treatment - Yes, this method works. You use the silent treatment, no talking, no going out, etc. . . at the same time you'll be kicking her to the curb.


The message is clear. If you don't like her as a friend or whatever cut all contact. Cold Shoulder.


By the way, Why do you keep posting about this female friend of yours?


Seems like you are too freaking obessesed with her that you can't help yourself move on and away from her!

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1. It is not her fault you are obsessed with her.

2. Revenge is for low-minded slimeballs. It is beneath decent people. Don't do it.

3. Seek professional help to learn how to handle friendships better.

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I was nobody's doormat!


Don't offer your advice without knowing what the problem is...

What is the problem? The way I read your post is you wanted more than friendship and when she didn't give you more you become upset. Tell me what really happened.

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If my memory serves me right you had a situation where one of your guy friends confessed his feelings for you.. am I correct?


Can you please explain step-by-step what you did from that point on?


Thank you




Well if your truely asking, I told him I just wanted to be friends


If your implying on if I could use someone, No I could never...my feelings have never been fake unless I was lying to my mom a while back .lol

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I advise to tell her just how you feel - say hey - look - Are we friends or something? I think you should take me out to dinner - it's your turn. I don't feel that things have been equal in this relationship we have here. My guy friends have been more "friendly" than you. Then ask her " What do you feel about that?" Do you treat all guys like this? Or be humorous - " We are definately not going to have wild passionate sex if this keeps up " Revenge is only going to make you feel stupid in the far future when you remember how foolish you've been.

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Cool down it's part of life.


If she is not the first female to have ever caused you pain...

She is not the last. It happens to male and female alike..

You have just been initiated into life.......WELCOME.


You'll mend in time.. and life goes on.

Should you do something foolish.... you could go from the play pen

to the state pen.


Take time out and move on, in every aspect.

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I remember this story. My perspective: you were using her just like she was using you. Male/female friendships are like that. You wouldn't have hung out with her if it didn't feel good, and you were hoping for more. It didn't turn out that way, but it isn't her fault because she never took anything you didn't offer.


You want to hurt her, because you aren't thinking that it was an equal relationship, but it was more equal than you think. You should ease up on her. She didn't make a fool out of you. You didn't make a fool out of yourself. It's just how those things go sometimes.


To be honest it's not healthy what you're feeling, and I suggest if these feelings are so strong that you're actually considering doing something that you get some kind of counseling. Because doing anything at all has a high probability of backfiring on you in ways you can't predict.

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Thanks Johan!


Okay I am not going to go and do anything stupid in the name of seeking revenge....


May be I am wrong about this girl.... I don't know..... may be its true that she genuinely likes me as a friend and I am mistaking it as she using me....


I will just let this one go without further analyzing....


thanx anyway...

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The problem is not with her Clobsy babe, it is with YOU!


You are over analying every thing she does and says and you are driving YOURSELF mad!


You need to cut her out of your life, not because she is a bitch or using you but because your feelings for her are as more than a friend! She is not using you as such but your feeling towards her will not change until she is out of the picture. She does not want you as a B/F or you would be with her now!


You need to get away from her solely because she is not a healthy part of your life!


I have told you what I think and i will tell you again ... Be honest with her and then go NC! No contact AT ALL!


You will heal and move on and THEN maybe you can be the friend she thinks you are!


Luv ya hunny! Be strong! xx

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Okay I am going to ask a strange question and I am damn sure that all of you are going to conclude that I am a total jerk.. But I am asking the question anyway..


Almost all of you know my female "friend".. After lengthy discussions it has been concluded that this person has used me to the core... She got boyfriend priveleges from me without giving anything in return. I admit that I was a complete fool to put myself in that stupid situation but that does not absolve this girl from the mistakes she has done...


My question is I want to do something nasty to this female so that she feels the pain that I am in now... I feel used, unworthy, and dirty... My self-esteem has taken a plunge..


Its not even a question that I am going to stay away from this evil woman but I want to punish her before I distance myself so that she doesn't dare to do this to anybody else... In other words I want to take my revenge!!!!!!!


I know this is completely immature but where was the maturity factor when this girl took me for a ride??????


Give me your suggestions... I know I am going to be judged but I really don't care... only I know the pain I am in now!!


it's normal , but not necessarily healthy to feel this way. but i think it's a natural step in the process. the great thing is people like this will always experience painful relationships - she is clearly clingy and unsatisfied with intimacy in her "true" romantic relationships. the bad thing is that people like this are often cold to their own emotions and can play off pain pretty well....better to just focus on your own feelings instead of hers. it's better in the longrun.

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