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trying to give it all up


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so, here i am killing hours o loveshack, there must be more to life...


i am trying to give up on my manic " partying'drinking etc..but realised without this i dont seem to know too many people who have a life outside of the bars..


Anysuggestions how to kill my evenings??

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Whatever you do, don't quit partying!


Cut back or cut out the drinking. You'll have a whole new perspective on partying and save a lot of money too.

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Children are what they are taught to be. Adults are what they want to be.


If someone is an adult and they are spoiled, then I assume they like it that way. Otherwise, they would be something else.

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I can understand how you feel!!! I will not try and convince that dieing is not the answer!!! I have felt the way you do many times, i do not profest to know the answers to your feelings, but i do no that without a doubt you have something to offer. Life is not easy in the best of circumstances but i believe it our reponsability to try and strieve and try and find were we fit, and what makes us special. I know this is not easy but if we try hard enough we just might achieve it.

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Family! My family are my best friends. Especially my mother. Find a hobby. I have the same problem. I can relate. I find nothing wrong with being on the computer or on loveshack. I find it very theraputic sometimes.

so, here i am killing hours o loveshack, there must be more to life... i am trying to give up on my manic " partying'drinking etc..but realised without this i dont seem to know too many people who have a life outside of the bars.. Anysuggestions how to kill my evenings??
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Yeah, it sucks doesn't it? Just try to be patient. It will take a while to build new relationships. I was in a similar situation before. I only had a few friends who weren't in to partying. One suggestion is to join AA or something like that. You will meet people who are in the same position as you are.

so, here i am killing hours o loveshack, there must be more to life... i am trying to give up on my manic " partying'drinking etc..but realised without this i dont seem to know too many people who have a life outside of the bars.. Anysuggestions how to kill my evenings??
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