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what is happening to me?


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i don't know but i am feeling worried and scared. is it possible to delevop a phobia to work? i'm serious about this too. lately i have been afraid to go to work and staying home more and more unless someone is with me or i don't have to go to far. i am on the verge of losing my job because of this and i just don't understand what is wrong with me, am i just getting lazy or what? has anyone ever gone through this? today i blew off a job that was/is very important to this lady, and i feel extremely bad about it but i just could not bring myself to go to work. i work by myself and for myself so it's not like i can get fired but i can get a bad reputation. i know if no one was going to be at this job i would of went and just did it, but it's job's that i know people are home at that i just can't seem to go to anymore and it is just getting worse. it's seems the only thing i feel comfortable doing anymore is just being home. i think i should leave my bf because i feel like such a burden to him plus i have had to lie to him about why i'm not at work saying that my job was canceled or postponed or whatever excuse i can come up with.


i'm getting really scared of what is going on with me or what is wrong with me, i feel like a nut case, a crazy person, someone out of control yet aware of exactly what i am doing, yet not able to stop myself. i really think i should just leave everybody so i wont be a burden to anyone and maybe if i'm alone i can figure out what i want and what is wrong with me or worse yet just go into hiding indifinitely. what can/should i do?

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If i am right you have had a lot of anxiety for the past while? and it sounds like this has manifested it's self in one form or an other into creating your problem at work. Don't hesitate and get your self into an anxiety control clinic and learn how to control your feelings before they control you!!! Nip it at the bud, it's perfectly normal to go through this type of situation, millions and millions go through it every day. TRUST ME I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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